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tomatically detects the operating voltage of the useful sig-
                                                    nal and adjusts the voltage protection level to this operating

                                                    High-voltage-resistant, insulated HVI Conductor
                                                    Another  possibility  to  maintain  the  separation  distance  s
                                                    is to use high-voltage-resistant, insulated HVI Conductors
                                                    which allow to maintain a separation distance s up to 0.9 m
                                                    in air. HVI Conductors may directly contact the PV system
                                                    downstream of the sealing end range. More detailed infor-
                                                    mation on the application and installation of HVI Conduc-
                                                    tors is provided in this Lightning Protection Guide or in the
                                                    relevant installation instructions.

                                                    Building with external lightning protection system
                                                    with insufficient separation distance s (situation C)
                                                    If the roofing is made of metal or is formed by the PV sys-
       Figure 9.18.16   DEHNcube YPV SCI 1000 1M type 2 arrester for   tem itself, the separation distance s cannot be maintained.
                 protecting inverters (1 MPPT)      The metal components of the PV mounting system must be
                                                    connected to the external lightning protection system in
                                                    such a way that they can carry lightning currents (copper
       core shadows must be prevented by, for example, maintain-  conductor with a cross-section of at least 16 mm  or equiva-
       ing  a  sufficient  distance  between  the  air-termination  rods   lent). This means that lightning equipotential bonding must
       and the PV module.                           also be implemented for the PV lines entering the building
       Lightning  equipotential  bonding  is  an  integral  part  of  a   from the outside (Figure 9.18.17). According  to  Supple-
       lightning protection system. It must be implemented for all   ment 5 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 standard and the
       conductive systems and lines entering the building which   CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12 standard, d.c. lines must be pro-
       may carry lightning currents. This is achieved by directly con-  tected by a type 1 SPD for PV systems.
       necting all metal systems and indirectly connecting all en-  For this purpose, a type 1 and type 2 DEHNcombo YPV SCI (FM)
       ergised systems via type 1 lightning current arresters to the   combined arrester is used. Lightning equipotential bond-
       earth-termination system. Lightning equipotential bonding   ing must also be implemented in the low-voltage infeed. If
       should be implemented as close as possible to the entrance   the PV inverter(s) is (are) situated more than 10 m from the
       point into the building to prevent partial lightning currents   type 1 SPD installed at the grid connection point, an ad-
       from entering the building. The grid connection point must   ditional type 1 SPD must be installed on the a.c. side of the
       be protected by a multipole spark-gap-based type 1 SPD,   inverter(s) (e.g. type 1 + type 2 DEHNshield ... 255 combined
       for example a type 1 DEHNventil M … 255 combined ar-  arrester). Suitable surge protective devices must also be in-
       rester. This arrester combines a lightning current arrester   stalled to protect the relevant data lines for yield monitor-
       and a surge arrester in a single device. If the cable lengths   ing. BLITZDUCTOR XTU surge protective devices are used to
       between the arrester and the inverter are less than 10 m,   protect data systems, for example based on RS 485.
       sufficient  protection  is  provided.  In  case  of  greater  cable
       lengths, additional type 2 DEHNguard M surge protective   PV systems with microinverters
       devices must be installed upstream of the a.c. input of the   Microinverters require a different surge protection concept.
       inverters as per CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12.    To this end, the d.c. line of a module or a pair of modules is
       Every d.c. input of the inverter must be protected by a type 2    directly connected to the small-sized inverter. In this process,
       PV arrester, for example DEHNcube  YPV SCI … (Figure   unnecessary conductor loops must be avoided. Inductive
       9.18.16). This also applies to transformerless devices. If the   coupling into such small d.c. structures typically only has a
       inverters are connected to data lines, for example to monitor   low energetic destruction potential. The extensive cabling of
       the yield, surge protective devices must be installed to pro-  a PV system with microinverters is located on the a.c. side
       tect data transmission. For this purpose, BLITZDUCTOR XTU    (Figure  9.18.18). If the microinverter is directly fitted at
       with actiVsense technology can be provided for lines with   the module, surge protective devices may only be installed
       analogue signal and data bus systems such as RS485. It au-  on the a.c. side:

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