Page 42 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 42

Contact              Risk         Type of risk             r f
       Type of surface                       r t
                             resistance kΩ  a                     Zone 0, 20 and solid explosives  1
       Agricultural, concrete     ≤ 1       10 -2    Explosion    Zone 1, 21              10 -1
       Marble, ceramic           1 – 10     10 -3                 Zone 2, 22              10 -3
       Gravel, moquette, carpets  10 – 100  10 -4                 High                    10 -1
       Asphalt, linoleum, wood   ≥ 100      10 -5    Fire         Ordinary                10 -2
                                                                  Low                     10 -3
       a   Values measured between a 400 cm  electrode compressed
         with a force of 500 N and a point of infinity.  Explosion or fire None            0
       Table  Values of the reduction factor r t  depending on the   Table  Values of the reduction factor r f  depending on the
                type of surface of the ground or floor        risk of fire of a structure

       Measures                              r p     Type of special risk                  h z
       No measures                           1       No special risk                       1
                                                     Low risk of panic (e.g. structures limited to two
       One of the following measures: fire extinguishers,   floors with up to 100 persons)  2
       fixed manually operated fire extinguishing instal-
       lations, manual alarm installations, hydrants, fire   0.5  Average level of panic (e.g. structures for cultural   5
       compartments, escape routes                   and sport events with 100 to 1000 visitors)
                                                     Difficulty of evacuation (e.g. structures with
       One of the following measures: fixed automati-  immobile persons, hospitals)        5
       cally operated fire extinguishing installations,   0.2  High risk of panic (e.g. structures for cultural and
       automatic alarm installations                 sport events with more than 1000 visitors)  10

       Table  Values of the reduction factor r p  depending on the   Table  Values of the factor h z  which increases the relative
                measures taken to reduce the consequences of fire   value of a loss for type of loss L1 (loss of human life)
                                                              in case of a special risk

       r t    Factor reducing the effects of touch and step voltages   the total number of persons in the structure (n t ) and between
            depending on the type of ground outside the structure   the time in hours per year during which persons stay in the
            or type of floor inside the structure (Table;  zone (t z ) and the 8760 hours per year. Thus, there are up to
       r p    Factor reducing the measures taken to reduce the con-  eight loss values:
            sequences of fire (Table;
       r f    Factor reducing the risk of fire and explosion of the   L = L =  r L T  n Z  t z
            structure (Table;                       A    U        n      8760
       h z    Factor increasing the relative value in case of loss          t
            of human life (L1) due to the level of panic (Table
                                     L = L =     r r h  Z  L F  n Z  t z
                                                         B     V           n          8760
       Loss of human life (L1)                                              t
       Loss must be determined for each risk component relevant to
       the structure. Moreover, the structure can be subdivided into   L = L = L = L =  L n Z  t z
       several zones so that the losses must be assigned to the indi-  C  M  W  Z  n   8760
       vidual zones.                                                              t
       Thus, the loss value depends on the properties of the zone
       which are defined by increase factors (h z ) and reduction fac-  where
       tors (r t  , r p  , r f ). In other words, the loss value depends on the   L T    is the typical mean percentage of victims injured by
       relation between the number of persons in the zone (n z ) and   electric shock (D1) due to a dangerous event;

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