Page 43 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 43

L F    is the typical mean percentage of victims injured by   additional loss of human life due to physical damage (L BE  and
               physical damage (D2) due to a dangerous event;  L VE ) should be taken into account when assessing the total loss
          L O    is the typical mean percentage of victims injured by   (L BT  and L VT ):
               failure of internal systems (D3) due to a dangerous   L BT  = L + L BE
          r t    is a factor reducing the loss of human life depending   L VT  = L + L VE
               on the type of ground or floor;
          r p    is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage   L  = L  =  L FE  t e
               depending on the measures taken to reduce the con-  BE     VE    8760
               sequences of fire;                      L FE    Loss due to physical damage outside the structure;
          r f    is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage   t e    Time during which person stay in dangerous places
               depending on the risk of fire or explosion of the struc-  outside the structure.
               ture;                                   If the time t e  is unknown, t e  / 8760 = 1 is to be assumed. L FE
          h z    is a factor increasing the loss due to physical damage   should be provided by the body preparing the explosion pro-
               when a special hazard is present;       tection documents.
          n z    is the number of persons in the zone;
                                                       Unacceptable loss of service to the public
          n t    is the total number of persons in the structure;  Loss of service to the public is defined by the properties of the
          t z    is the time in hours per year during which persons stay   structure or its zones. These properties are described by means
               in the zone.                            of reduction factors (r p  , r f ). Moreover, the relation between the
          IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) specifies typical mean values for   number of served users in the zone (n z ) and the total number
          L T  , L F  and L O  for roughly classified structures (Table   of served users in the structure (n t ) is important. There are up
          These values can be modified and adapted for specific struc-  to six loss values:
          tures provided that the number of possibly affected persons,     r r L   F  n Z
          their independent mobility and their exposition to lightning   L = L =  n
          effects are considered. For the values stated in Table,         t
          it is assumed that persons permanently stay in the structure.  L = L = L = L =  L n Z
          A detailed assessment of L F  and L O  may be required for struc-  C  M  W  Z  n
          tures with a risk of explosion. In this context, the type of struc-           t
          ture, risk of explosion, division into explosion protection zones   L F    is the typical mean percentage of unserved users due
          and measures to reduce the risk must be observed.  to physical damage (D2) in case of a dangerous event;
          If the risk for persons resulting from a direct lightning strike to   L O    is the typical mean percentage of unserved users due
          a structure also affects surrounding structures or the environ-  to failure of internal systems (D3) in case of a danger-
          ment (e.g. in case of chemical or radioactive emissions), the   ous event;
          Type of damage            Typical loss value  Type of structure
          D1: Injuries                  L T      10 -2  All types
                                                 10 -1  Risk of explosion
                                                 10 -1  Hospital, hotel, school, public building
          D2: Physical damage           L F     5 · 10 -2  Building with entertainment facility, church, museum
                                                2 · 10 -2  Industrial structure, economically used plant
                                                 10 -2  Others
                                                 10 -1  Risk of explosion
          D3: Failure of internal systems  L O   10 -2  Intensive care unit and operating section of a hospital
                                                 10 -3  Other areas of a hospital
          Table  Type of loss L1: Typical mean values for L T  , L F  and L O

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