Page 46 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Source of damage      S1             S2               S3                S4
                              Lightning strike   Lightning strike   Lightning strike to an   Lightning strike
                               to a structure  near a structure  incoming line      near an
       Type of damage                                                            incoming line
       D1: Injury of living beings due
       to electric shock       R = N  D  P L A               R = (N + N ) P L U
       D2: Physical damage     R = N D  P L B                R = (N + N ) P L V
       D3: Failure of electrical and   R = N  P L            R = (N + N ) P  L    R = N  P L
       electronic systems       C   D  C  C   R = N M  P M  L C  W  L  DJ  W  W    Z   I  Z  Z
                              R = R + R + R C              R = R + R + R + R + R Z
       Note:  For risk components R U  , R V  and R W  , not only the frequency of direct lightning strikes to the line N L  are important, but also the frequency
           of direct lightning strikes to the connected structure N DJ  (see Figure
       Table  Risk components for different points of strike (sources of damage) and types of damage
       L FE  should be provided by the body preparing the explosion   Type of loss   R T  (1/year)
       protection documents.
                                                     L1: Loss of human life or permanent injury  10 -5
                                                     L2: Loss of service to the public  10 -3
       3.2.6  Relevant risk components for different   L3: Loss of cultural heritage    10 -4
            types of lightning strikes               L4: Loss of economic value (only IEC 62305-2)  10 -3
       There is a close correlation between the type of damage, the
       type of loss and the resulting relevant risk components. De-  Table  Typical values for the tolerable risk R T
       pending on the sources of damage S1 to S4 (or on the point
       of strike), there are the following risk components (Table   R d    Risk due to a direct lightning strike to a structure (S1);                                    R i    Risk due to all indirect lightning strikes related to a
                                                          structure (S2 to S4);
       In case of a direct lightning strike to a structure (S1):
       R A    Risk of injury to living beings caused by electric shock;
       R B    Risk of physical damage;              3.2.7  Tolerable risk of lightning damage
       R C    Risk of failure of electrical and electronic systems.  When selecting lightning protection measures, it must be ex-
                                                    amined whether the risk R determined for the relevant types
       In case of a lightning strike to the ground near a structure (S2):  of loss exceeds a tolerable value R T . For a structure which is
                                                    sufficiently protected against the effects of a lightning strike
       R M    Risk of failure of electrical and electronic systems
                                                    we have:
                                                                      R   R
       In case of a direct lightning strike to an incoming line (S3):       T
       R U    Risk of injury to living beings caused by electric shock;  Table shows the values of R T  listed in IEC 62305-2
       R V    Risk of physical damage;              (EN 62305-2) for these three types of loss.
       R W    Risk of failure of electrical and electronic systems
       In case of a lightning strike to the ground near an incoming   3.2.8  Selection of lightning protection
       line (S4):                                         measures
       R Z    Risk of failure of electrical and electronic systems.  Lightning protection measures are supposed to limit the risk R
                                                    to values below the tolerable risk R T  . By using a detailed calcu-
       The eight risk components can also be defined according to   lation of the risks for the relevant types of loss and by classify-
       the point of strike:                         ing them into the individual risk components R A  , R B  , R C  , R M  ,

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