Page 44 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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r p    is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage   L F    is the typical mean percentage of the value of all
            depending on the measures taken to reduce the con-  goods damaged by physical damage (D2) in case of a
            sequences of fire;                            dangerous event;
       r f    is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage   r p    is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage
            depending on the risk of fire or explosion of the struc-  depending on the measures taken to reduce the con-
            ture;                                         sequences of fire;
       n z    is the number of served users in the zone;  r f    is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage de-
                                                          pending on the risk of fire or explosion of the structure;
       n t    is the total number of served users in the structure.
                                                    c z    is the value of the cultural heritage in the zone;
       IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) specifies typical mean values for L F
       and L 0  depending on the type of service (Table These   c t    is the total value of the building and content of the
                                                          structure (sum of all zones).
       values also provide information on the significance of the type
       of service to the public. If required, they can be modified and   IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) specifies a typical mean value for
       adapted for specific structures provided that the exposition to   L F  (Table This value can be modified and adapted
       lightning effects and deviating significances are considered.  for specific structures provided that the exposition to lightning
                                                    effects is considered.
       Loss of cultural heritage (L3)               Loss of economic value
       Loss of cultural heritage is defined by the properties of the   Loss of economic value is also defined by the properties of the
       structure or its zones. These properties are described by means   zone which are described by means of reduction factors (r t  , r p  , r f ).
       of reduction factors (r p  , r f ). Moreover, the relation between the   Moreover, the relation between the decisive value in the zone
       value of the zone (c z ) and the total value (building and con-  and the total value (c t ) of the entire structure is required to
       tent) of the entire structure (c t ) is important. There are two   assess the damage in a zone.
       loss values:
                                                    The total value of a structure may include animals, buildings,
                           r r L c                  contents and internal systems including their activities. The de-
                L = L =     p  f   F  Z             cisive value depends on the type of damage (Table
                 B     V        c
                                 t                  Thus, there are up to eight loss values:

       Type of damage            Typical loss value  Type of service
                                              10 -1  Gas, water, power supply
       D2: Physical damage           L F
                                              10 -2  TV, telecommunication
                                              10 -2  Gas, water, power supply
       D3: Failure of internal systems  L O
                                              10 -3  TV, telecommunication
       Table  Type of loss L2: Typical mean values for L F  and L O

       Type of damage            Typical loss value  Type of service
       D2: Physical damage           L F      10 -1  Museum, gallery
       Table  Type of loss L3: Typical mean values for L F

       Type of damage  Meaning               Value          Meaning
                       Injury of animals due to
       D1                                    c a            Value of animals
                       electric shock
       D2              Physical damage       c a  + c b  + c c  + c s  Value of all goods
       D3              Failure of internal systems  c s     Value of internal systems and their activities
       Table  Type of loss L4: Relevant values depending on the type of loss

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