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ined case. Table gives an overview of typical lightning
                    Identify the structure to be protected  and surge protection measures and their impact on the risk
                Identify the types of loss relevant to the structure

                                                       3.2.9  Loss of economic value / Profitability of
                  For each type of loss, identify and calculate   protection measures
               the risk components R A  , R B  , R C  , R M  , R U  , R V  , R W  , R Z
                                                       In addition to the types of loss of public interest L1 to L3, the
                                                       type of loss L4 (loss of economic value) is relevant for many
                                       No   Structure   structures. It has to be compared whether the protection meas-
                             R > R T                   ures make economic sense, namely if they are profitable.
                                                       Thus, the standard of comparison is not an absolute parameter
                            Yes                        like the specified tolerable risk R T  , but a relative parameter:
                         Protection needed             Different states of protection of the structure are compared
                                                       and the optimum state of protection (costs of damage result-
                                                       ing from lightning strikes are as low as possible) is implement-
                   Is LPS   Yes    Are SPM             ed. Several possibilities can and should be examined. The flow
                 installed?        installed?          chart according to IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) (Figure
                 No                No         Yes      shows the basic procedure.

                                No                     The costs of the total loss C L  in the structure are calculated by
                                                       the sum of the loss in the individual zones C LZ :
               R A  + R B  + R U  + R V  > R T
                                                                     C    = R    c
                                                                       LZ     4Z  t
             Calculate                                 where
            new values   Install an   Install   Install other   R 4Z    is the risk related to the loss of value in the zone with-
              of risk   adequate   adequate   protection
            components   LPS       SPM     measures          out protection measures;
                                                       c t    is the total value of the structure (animals, building,
                                                             contents and internal systems including their activities
                                                             in currency) (see section 3.2.5).
          Figure  Flow diagram for determining the need of protection
                   and for selecting protection measures in case of types
                   of loss L1 to L3                    If protection measures are taken, the loss is reduced. However,
                                                       it is never reduced to zero since there is a residual risk. The
                                                       costs C RL  for the total residual loss in the structure in spite of
          R U  , R V  , R W  and R Z  , it is possible to specifically select lightning   protection measures are calculated by the sum of the remain-
          protection measures for a particular structure. The flow chart   ing loss in the individual zones C RLZ :
          in IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) (Figure illustrates the
          procedure. If it is assumed that the calculated risk R exceeds   C  = R '  c
          the tolerable risk R T , it must be examined whether the risk of   RLZ  4Z  t
          electric shock and physical damage caused by a direct light-  where
          ning strike to the structure and the incoming lines (R A  + R B  +   R’ 4Z    is the risk related to loss of value in the zone with
          R U  + R V ) exceeds the tolerable risk R T . If this is the case, an ad-  protection measures.
          equate lightning protection system (external and / or internal
          lightning protection) must be installed. If R A  + R B  + R U  + R V  is   In case of a single zone, the following applies:
          sufficiently small, it must be examined whether the risk due to
          the lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) can be sufficiently   C =C LZ    or  C RL  =C RLZ
          reduced by additional protection measures (SPM).
          If the procedure according to the flow diagram is observed,   The annual costs C PM  for protection measures can be calcu-
          protection measures which reduce such risk components   lated by means of the following equation:
          with relatively high values can be selected, namely protection
          measures with a comparatively high effectiveness in the exam-  C  =C  (i +a +m)
                                                                   PM     P

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