Page 48 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 48

Properties of the structure or internal systems –
       Protection measures                            R A  R B   R C  R M  R U  R V   R W  R Z
       Physical restrictions, insulation, warning notice, potential control    •  •
       on the ground
       Lightning protection system (LPS)              •     •    •    •  a  •  b  •  b
       Surge protective device for lightning equipotential bonding  •  •    •    •
       Isolating interfaces                                      •  c  •  c  •   •    •    •
       Coordinated SPD system                                    •    •               •    •
       Spatial shielding                                         •    •
       Shielding of external lines                                          •    •    •    •
       Shielding of internal lines                               •    •
       Routing precautions                                       •    •
       Equipotential bonding network                             •
       a   Only for grid-like external LPS
       b   Due to equipotential bonding
       c   Only if they belong to equipment to be protected
       Table  Lightning and surge protection measures and their influences on the individual risk components

       C P    stands for the costs of protection measures;  Define the value of the:
       i    is the interest rate (for financing the protection meas-  – Structure and the associated
            ures);                                      activities
                                                       – Internal systems
       a    is the amortisation rate (calculated by the service life
            of the protection measures);
                                                        Calculate all risk components R X
       m    is the maintenance rate (also includes inspection and
            maintenance costs).                               relevant to R 4

       Thus, the procedure assumes that costs can be (roughly) esti-  Calculate the annual costs of the
       mated before actually planning lightning and surge protection   total loss C L  and the costs of the
       measures. (General) information on interest rates, amortisa-  remaining loss C RL  if protection
       tion of protection measures and planning, maintenance and   measures are taken
       repair costs must also be available. Protection makes economic
       sense if the annual saving S M  is positive:      Calculate the annual costs of the
                S =C       (C    +C )                      protection measures C PM
                 M      L     PM     RL
       Depending on the size, construction, complexity and use of the     Yes  Protection measures
       structure and the internal systems, different protection meas-  C PM  + C RL  > C L  do not make
       ures can be taken. Thus, there are several possibilities to pro-          economic sense
       tect the structure. The profitability of protection measures can   No
       therefore be further examined even if an economically sound   Protection measures
       solution has already been found since there might be an even   make economic sense
       better solution. Consequently, an economically optimal solu-
       tion can and should be achieved.
       For examining the profitability of protection measures as de-  Figure  Flow diagram for selecting protection measures in
       scribed in this chapter, possible damage, namely the loss in   case of loss of economic value

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