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case of lightning effects, must be assessed. To this end, the   If the structure is divided into several zones, the relevant val-
          values of risk R 4  , which are determined according to section   ues c a  , c b  , c c  and c s  can be subdivided according to the share
          3.2.5, are required. For this purpose, the values of the structure   of the volume of the relevant zone in the total volume (in case
          c b  , of the content c c  , of the internal systems (including their   of non-industrial structures) or the share of the jobs in the rel-
          failure) c s  and of animals c a  , if any, must be known and divided   evant zone in the total number of jobs (in case of industrial
          in zones. These values are typically provided by the planner of   structures).
          the protection measures and / or by the owner of the structure.  Thus, the simplified procedure according to EN 62305-2 fol-
          In many cases, these values are not available or it is difficult to   lows the only reasonable procedure for examining the profit-
          obtain these values (e.g. the owner does not want to provide   ability of protection measures, namely a comparison based on
          these values). In case of industrial structures or administra-  exclusively economic data. Only the total value of the structure
          tion buildings with sensitive production or work processes,   (c t ) and the values c a  , c b  , c c  , c s  are determined according to a
          the transparency required for the reasonable implementation   simplified method. However, if exact data is available for the
          of the risk management stands in contrast to the necessity of   stated values, these values should be used.
          confidentiality of sensitive economic data. In other cases, the   In addition to type of loss L4, one or more other types of loss
          acquisition of these data is too complex.    L1 to L3 are typically relevant to a structure. In these cases,
          EN 62305-2 includes a simplified procedure to implement the   the procedure described in 3.2.8 must be used first, in other
          risk management for the type of loss L4 in cases where it is dif-  words it must be examined whether protection measures are
          ficult to assess possible damage sums resulting from lightning   required and the risk R must be smaller than the tolerable risk
          effects.                                     R T  for the types of loss L1 to L3. If this is the case, the prof-
          The total value c t  of the structure is determined according to   itability of the planned protection measures is examined ac-
          Table based on the volume of the structure (in case   cording to Figure in a second step. Also in this case,
          of non-industrial structures) and the number of full-time jobs   several protection measures are possible and the economically
          (in case of industrial structures). The values in percent speci-  optimum measure should be taken provided that the following
          fied in Table are used to assign this total value to the   applies to all relevant types of loss of public interest L1 to L3:
          individual categories (animals: c a  , buildings: c b  , contents: c c  ,   R < R
          internal systems: c s ). For these values, it must be observed that   T
          the possible malfunction of electrical and electronic systems   A  lightning  protection  system  according  to  IEC  62305-3
          (internal systems) and the resulting follow-up costs are only   (EN  62305-3)  often  sufficiently  ensures  that  persons  in  the
          included in the values for industrial structures, but not in the   structure are protected (type of loss L1). In case of an office
          values for non-industrial structures.        and administration building or an industrial structure, types of

          Type of structure      Reference values                           Total value of c t
                                                                   Low                       300
                                 Total reconstruction costs (do not include    c t  per volume
          Non-industrial structures                                Ordinary                  400
                                 possible malfunction)                      (€/m )
                                                                   High                      500
                                 Total value of the structure including buildings,   Low     100
          Industrial structures  installations and contents (includes possible   Ordinary  c t  per employee  300
                                 malfunction)                      High     (k€/AP)          500

          Table  Values for assessing the total value c t  (EN 62305-2)

                         Portion for   Portion for the   Portion for the   Portion for    Total for all
          Condition        animals        building       content    internal systems   goods
                            c a /c t       c b /c t       c c /c t       c s /c t  (c a +c b +c c +c s )/c t
          Without animals    0             75 %           10 %           15 %           100 %
          With animals      10 %           70 %           5 %            15 %           100 %
          Table  Portions to assess the values c a  , c b  , c c  , c s  (EN 62305-2)

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