Page 52 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Figure  DEHN Risk Tool, division into zones  Figure  DEHN Risk Tool, evaluation

       must be defined for every supply line. These parameters are   ¨  L1; Loss of human life
       included in the line-related risks for the structure. If the line   ¨  L2; Loss of service to the public
       length is unknown, the standard recommends to use a line
       length of 1000 m for calculation. The line length is defined   ¨  L3; Loss of cultural heritage
       from the entry point into the object to be protected to the con-  ¨  L4; Loss of economic value
       nected structure or a node. A node is, for example, a distribu-  When defining the losses, it must be observed that losses al-
       tion point of a power supply line on a HV / LV transformer or   ways refer to the relevant type of loss. Example: Loss of eco-
       in a substation, a telecommunication exchange or a piece of   nomic value (risk R 4 ) due to touch and step voltage only ap-
       equipment (e.g. multiplexer or xDSL device) in a telecommu-  plies to the loss of animals, not to the loss of persons.
       nication line.                               In the DEHN Risk Tool the result of a risk analysis is displayed
       In addition to line-related parameters, the properties of the   in the form of graphics (Figure Thus, it can be seen
       building must also be defined. For example, the following fac-  immediately and at any time how high the relevant risks are.
       tors are important:                          Blue stands for the tolerable risk, red or green for the calculat-
       ¨  External spatial shielding                ed risk of the structure to be protected. To be able to correctly
       ¨  Spatial shielding in the building         assess the risk potential for a structure, the risk components of
                                                    the relevant risk must be considered in detail. Each component
       ¨  Floor properties inside / outside the structure
                                                    describes a risk potential. The aim of a risk analysis is to spe-
       ¨  Fire protection measures and              cifically reduce the main risks by means of reasonably chosen
       ¨  Risk of fire                              measures.
       The  risk  of  fire  is  an  important  decision  criterion  and  basi-
       cally defines whether a lightning protection system must be   Each risk component can be influenced (reduced or increased)
       installed and which class of LPS is required. The risk is assessed   by different parameters. The measures shown in Table
       according to the specific fire load in MJ/m . The following defi-  make it easier to select protection measures. The user must
       nitions are provided in the standard:        make this selection and activate the protection measures in
       ¨  Low risk of fire: Specific fire load ≤ 400 MJ/m 2  the software.
       ¨  Ordinary risk of fire: Specific fire load > 400 MJ/m 2  To calculate the risk R 4  “Loss of economic value”, costs must
                                                    be calculated according to IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2). To this
       ¨  High risk of fire: Specific fire load ≥ 800 MJ/m 2  end, the actual state (without protection measures) and the
       ¨  Explosion zone 2, 22                      desired state (with protection measures) must be considered.
       ¨  Explosion zone 1, 21                      The following costs (in €) must be defined for calculation:
       ¨  Explosion zone 0, 20 and solid explosives  ¨  Costs of animals c a
       To complete the risk analysis, possible losses must be selected.   ¨  Costs of the building c b
       Losses are subdivided according to the type of loss:  ¨  Costs of internal systems including their activities c s

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