Page 53 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Properties of the structure  R A  R B  R V  3.3.2  DEHN Distance Tool; calculation of
                      or internal systems                    the separation distance according to
                                                             IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)
          Protection measures                          The DEHN Distance Tool is another module of the DEHNsupport
          Physical restrictions, insulation,           Toolbox software. In addition to the conventional calculation
          warning notice, potential control    •       formulas  for determining  the  separation  distance  and thus
          on the ground                                the partitioning coefficient k c  , more exact calculations can be
          Lightning protection system (LPS)  •  •  •  b  performed according to the standard. The calculation of the
                                                       separation distance is based on nodal analysis.
          Surge protective devices for lightning
          equipotential bonding         •    •   •
          b   Due to equipotential bonding
                                               Nodal analysis
          Table  DEHN Risk Tool, measures (excerpt)  Kirchhoff’s first law defines that at any node the sum of the
                                                       currents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of currents
                                                       flowing out of that node (nodal rule) (Figure
          ¨  Costs of the content c c                  This rule can also be used for buildings with external lightning
          ¨  Total costs of the structure (c a  + c b  + c c  + c s ) c t  protection system. In case of a simple building with one air-
                                                       termination rod (Figure, the lightning current is
          It must be observed that the costs also include replacement
          costs, downtime costs and follow-up costs. These costs must   distributed at the base in the event of a lightning strike to the
          be evenly allocated to the types of costs.   air-termination rod. This lightning current distribution depends
                                                       on the number of down conductors, also referred to as current
          The EN 62305-2 standard allows to define these values ac-  paths. Figure shows a node with four conductors
          cording to tables if they are unknown. The following procedure   (current paths).
          must be observed:                            In case of a meshed external lightning protection system with
                                                       down conductors, the lightning current is distributed in each
          ¨  Assessment of the total value c t  of the structure (Table   junction and at the connection point of the air-termination sys-
                                     tem. To this end, a clamp connection according to IEC 62305-3
          ¨  Proportional assessment of the values of c a  , c b  , c c  and c s   (EN 62305-3) is required.
            based on c t  (Table              The closer the mesh or the higher the number of nodes, the
          In addition to c a  ,  c b  , c c  and c s  , the costs of protection measures   better is the lightning current distribution. The same applies to
          c p  must also be defined. To this end, the  the entire conductor routing (Figure
          ¨  Interest rate i                           Nodal analysis is used to calculate the exact lightning cur-
          ¨  Maintenance rate m and                    rent distribution and the resulting separation distances. This
                                                       method is used for network analysis in electrical engineering
          ¨  Amortisation rate a                       and is a transmission line method. If nodal analysis is used for
          must be defined.                             a building with external lightning protection system, each line
                                                       (current path) is shown in the form of a resistor. Thus, the vari-
          The result of the consideration of loss of economic value is:  ety of meshes and down conductors in a lightning protection
          ¨  Costs of the total loss C L  without protection measures  system forms the basis for nodal analysis. The lines of a light-
                                                       ning protection system, for example of a mesh, are typically
          ¨  Remaining loss costs C RL  despite of protection measures
                                                       divided into many individual line sections by means of nodes
          ¨  Annual costs C PM  of the protection measures
                                                       (junctions). Each line section represents an electric resistance R
          ¨  Savings                                   (Figure When using nodal analysis, the reciprocal
          The calculated values are displayed in € / year.  value of the resistance, also referred to as conductance G, is
          If the assessment leads to positive savings S M  , the protection   used for calculation:
          measures make economic sense. If it leads to negative savings
          S M  , the protection measures do not make economic sense. Af-  R =  1      G =  1
          ter performing a risk analysis, a detailed report or a summary   G        R
          can be printed (rtf file).

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