Page 55 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 55

¨  Mutual conductance: Conductance between two   Almost equal earth resistances (type B earth-termination sys-
            points (example: Conductance between two opposite   tem) form the basis for this type of calculation of separation
            points (clamping points) of a mesh on a flat roof (without   distances for a lightning protection system.
            branches)). The  following  steps  are  required  to  calculate
            the separation distances in case of a building with external
            lightning protection system (see also Figure  Information on the DEHN Distance Tool
          1.  Define 0 V potentials (ϕ 0  in P0)       Since the calculation by means of nodal analysis is very com-
                                                       plex, the simple and time-saving DEHN Distance Tool calcula-
          2.  Define potentials (ϕ 1  in P1, …)
                                                       tion module can be used. This module allows to simulate the
          3.  Define self-conductances (G 11  , G 22  , G nn )  current flow in a meshed network and to calculate the separa-
          4.  Define mutual conductances (G 12  , G 23  , G nm )  tion distances based on this simulation.
          5.  Define point of strike
          6.  Prepare equations for nodal analysis (matrix)  3.3.3  DEHN Earthing Tool; calculation of the
          After preparing the node equations, the potential at a certain   length of earth electrodes according to
          point such as ϕ 1  can be calculated. Since the matrix includes   IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)
          many unknown variables, the equation must be solved accord-
          ingly. If all potentials of the meshed network are determined,   The Earthing Tool of the DEHNsupport software can be used to
          the lightning current distribution and thus the k c  values are de-  determine the length of earth electrodes as per IEC 62305-3
          rived from these potentials. Based on these values, the separa-  (EN 62305-3). To this end, a distinction is made between the
          tion distances can be determined using the equation specified   different types of earth electrodes (foundation earth electrode,
                                                       ring earth electrode and earth rod).
          in the standard.
                                                       In addition to the class of LPS, the earth resistivity must be
                                                       defined for single earth electrodes (type A earthing arrange-
                                                       ment). These values are used to calculate the length of the
               P0      G 12  = G 21          P0        earth electrode (in m) (Figure
                                                       To determine the length of a ring or foundation earth elec-
                  P1 G 11    P2 G 22    P3 G 33
                                                       trode,  the  class  of  LPS,  the  surface  enclosed  by  the  earth
                                                       electrode and the soil resistivity must be defined. The result
                                                       shows  whether  the  earth-termination  system  is  sufficiently
                                                       dimensioned or whether additional earthing measures must
                  P4 G 44    P5 G 55    P6 G 66
                                                       be taken.
                                                       For more detailed information, please see chapter 5.5 “Earth-
                                                       termination systems”.
                  P7 G 77    P8 G 88    P9 G 99
               P0               node         P0

                         G 11  – G 12  – G 13  – G 1m  ϕ 1  I 1
           potential to be   G 21  – G 22  – G 23  – G 2m  ϕ 2  I 2
           calculated ϕ 1 :  G 31  – G 32  – G 33  – G 3m  ϕ 3  I 3
                         G n1  – G n2  – G n3  – G nm  ϕ n  I n
                                mutual conductance
            mutual conductance G 12  = mutual conductance G 21
                         G 11  = self-conductance
                              (sum of G 12  + G 14  + G 10 )
                         ϕ 1  = node potential in point P1
                          I 1  = partial lightning current in point P1

          Figure  Node equation              Figure  DEHN Earthing Tool, type A earth-termination system

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