Page 56 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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tenance programme for the lightning protection system should
                                                    be laid down by an authority, the designer or installer of the
                                                    lightning protection system and the owner of the structure. If
                                                    defects are found during the inspection of a lightning protec-
                                                    tion system, the operator / owner of the structure is responsible
                                                    for the immediate rectification of the defects. The inspection
                                                    of the lightning protection system must be carried out by a
                                                    lightning protection specialist. A lightning protection specialist
                                                    (according to Supplement 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-3
                                                    standard) is able to design, install and inspect lightning pro-
                                                    tection systems due to his technical training, knowledge, ex-
                                                    perience and familiarity with applicable standards. Evidence
                                                    can be provided by regular participation in national training
                                                    The criteria (technical training, knowledge and experience)
                                                    are  usually  fulfilled  after  several  years  of  work  experience
                                                    and  current  occupation  in  the  field  of  lightning  protection.
                                                    The design, installation and inspection of lightning protection
       Figure  DEHN Air-Termination Tool, gable roof with PV system
                                                    systems require different skills from the lightning protection
                                                    specialist, which are listed in Supplement 3 of the German
                                                    DIN EN 62305-3 standard.
       3.3.4  DEHN Air-Termination Tool; calculation   A lightning protection specialist is a competent person who is
            of the length of air-termination rods    familiar with the relevant safety equipment regulations, direc-
            according to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)   tives and standards to the extent that he is in a position to
       Air-termination  rods  allow  to  integrate  large  areas  in  the   judge if technical work equipment is in a safe condition. In
       protected volume of LPZ 0 B  . In some cases, graphics, which   Germany, a training course leading to recognition as a light-
       must be created depending on the class of LPS, are required   ning protection specialist (competent person for lightning and
       to determine the height of the air-termination rod. To facilitate   surge protection as well as for electrical installations conform-
       work for qualified personnel, calculations for different kinds   ing to EMC (EMC approved expert)) is offered by the Associa-
       of graphics are integrated in the DEHN Air-Termination Tool of   tion of Damage Prevention (VdS), which is part of the German
       the DEHNsupport Toolbox software. The user must define the   Insurance Association (GDV e.V.), in conjunction with the Com-
       class of LPS, the length, width and height of the building and   mittee for Lightning Protection and Lightning Research of the
       the separation distance. Depending on whether the protective   Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technolo-
       angle or rolling sphere method is used, the length of the air-  gies (ABB of the VDE).
       termination rods to be installed can be calculated from these   Attention: A competent person is not an expert!
       values. In case of calculations with several air-termination
       rods, the lateral sag of the rolling sphere must also be consid-  An expert has special knowledge in the field of technical work
       ered in the calculation (Figure    equipment which requires testing due to his technical training
       The aim is to ensure a technically correct external lightning   and experience. He is familiar with the relevant safety equip-
       protection system.                           ment regulations, directives and standards to the extent that
                                                    he is in a position to judge if complex technical equipment
                                                    is in a safe condition. He should be able to inspect technical
       3.4  Inspection and maintenance              work equipment and provide an expert opinion. Experts are,
                                                    for example, engineers at the German Technical Inspectorates
       3.4.1   Types of inspection and qualification of   or other specialist engineers. Installations requiring inspection
            inspectors                              generally have to be inspected by experts or competent per-
       To ensure that the structure, the persons therein and the elec-  sons.
       trical and electronic systems are permanently protected, the   Regardless of the qualifications required from the inspectors,
       mechanical and electrical characteristics of a lightning protec-  the inspections should ensure that the lightning protection
       tion system must remain completely intact for the whole of its   system protects living beings, contents, technical equipment
       service life. To ensure this, a coordinated inspection and main-  in the structure, safety systems and the structure from the ef-

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