Page 72 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 72

¨  If  the  roof  is  made  of  non-flammable  material,  the  con-
                                                       ductors of the air-termination system can be installed on
                                                       the surface of the structure (e.g. gable or flat roof). Non-
                                                       flammable building materials are commonly used. The com-
                                                       ponents  of the external  lightning  protection  system  can
                                                       therefore be mounted directly on the structure (Figures
                                                    ¨  If  the  roof  is  made  of  highly  flammable  material  (class
                                                       B 3 building material, see Supplement 1 of the German
                                                       DIN EN 62305-3 standard) e.g. thatched roofs, the distance
       Figure  Protection of small-sized roof-mounted structures   between the flammable parts of the roof and the air-termi-
                 against direct lightning strikes by means of air-  nation rods, air-termination conductors or air-termination
                 termination rods
                                                       meshes of the air-termination system must not be less
                                                       than 0.4 m. Highly flammable parts of the structure to be
                                                       protected must not be in direct contact with parts of the
                                                       external lightning protection system. Neither may they be
                                                       located under the roofing, which can be punctured in the
                                                       event of a lightning strike (see also chapter 5.1.5 Thatched

                                                    Isolated air-termination systems protect the complete struc-
                                                    ture against a direct lightning strike by means of air-termina-
                                                    tion rods, air-termination masts or masts with cables spanned
                                                    over them. When installing the air-termination systems, the
                                                    separation distance s from the building must be maintained
                                                    (Figures and
       Figure  Gable roof with conductor holder  Isolated air-termination systems are frequently used when the
                                                    roof is covered with flammable material (e.g. thatched roof) or
                                                    also for systems located in hazardous areas (e.g. tanks) (see
                                                    also chapter 5.1.5 “Air-termination system for buildings with
                                                    thatched roofs”).

                                                    A further method of designing isolated air-termination systems
                                                    is to use electrically insulating materials such as GRP (glass-

                                                      s   separation distance acc. to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)
                                                      α   protective angle acc. to Table

                                                                α                   α
                                                                s                 s
       Figure  Flat roof with air-termination rods and conductor   air-     air-
                 holders: Protection of the domelights  termination                  termination
                                                          mast                       mast
       ¨  Isolated                                                     structure
       ¨  Non-isolated
       The two types can be combined.                                              reference plane
                                                    Figure  Isolated external lightning protection system with
       The air-termination systems of a non-isolated external light-  two separate air-termination masts according to
       ning protection system of a structure can be installed in the   the protective angle method: Projection on a
       following ways:                                         vertical surface

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