Page 73 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 73

If a building has a steel frame construction with a metal roof
            s 1 , s 2   separation distance according to   horizontal   and façade made of conductive material, these parts can be
               IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)                used for the external lightning protection system, under cer-
                                       conductor       tain circumstances.
                                                       Sheet metal claddings at or on top of the building to be pro-
                                                       tected can be used if the electrical connection between the
                 s 1
                                                       different parts is permanent. These permanent electrical con-
                                                       nections can be made by e.g. soldering, welding, pressing,
                     s 2               s 2
           air-termi-       protected      air-termi-  screwing or riveting. Qualified persons may also establish con-
           nation mast      structure      nation mast  nections by means of soft-soldering. The continuously soldered
                                                       surface of the connection must be at least 10 cm  with a width
                                        reference plane  of at least 5 mm.
                                                       If there is no electrical connection, these elements must be ad-
          Figure  Isolated external lightning protection system   ditionally connected e.g. by means of bridging braids or bridg-
                    consisting of two separate air-termination masts   ing cables.
                    connected by a horizontal air-termination conduc-  If the thickness of the sheet metal is not less than the value t'
                    tor: Projection on a vertical surface via the two
                    masts (vertical section)           in Table and if melting of the sheets at the point of
                                                       strike or the ignition of flammable material under the clad-
                                                       ding does not have to be taken into account, such sheets can
           Class    Material   Thickness      Thickness     be used as an air-termination system. The material thicknesses
           of LPS               t [mm]     t' [mm]     are not distinguished according to the class of LPS.
                                                       If it is, however, necessary to take precautionary measures
                      Lead         –         2.0
                                                       against melting or intolerable heating at the point of strike,
                  Steel (stainless,   4      0.5       the thickness of the sheet metal must not be less than value t
                   galvanised)                         in Table
           I to IV  Titanium       4         0.5
                     Copper        5         0.5       The required thicknesses t of the materials can generally not
                                                       be complied with, for example, in case of metal roofs.
                   Aluminium       7         0.65      For pipes or containers, however, it is possible to comply with
                      Zinc         –         0.7       these minimum thicknesses (wall thicknesses). If, though, the
                                                       temperature rise (heating) on the inside of the pipe or tank
          a  t  prevents puncture
          b  t`  only for sheet metal if puncture, overheating and ignition    represents a hazard for the medium contained therein (risk of
             does not have to be prevented             fire or explosion), these must not be used as air-termination
                                                       systems (see also chapter 5.1.4).
          Table  Minimum thickness of sheet metal
                                                       If the requirements  concerning the appropriate  minimum
                                                       thickness are not met, the components, e.g. pipes or contain-
          fibre reinforced plastic) to secure the air-termination systems   ers, must be situated in an area protected from direct lightning
          (air-termination rods, conductors or cables) at the object to be   strikes.
          This form of isolation can be limited to local use or applied to   A thin coat of paint, 1 mm bitumen or 0.5 mm PVC, cannot be
          whole parts of the installation. It is often used for roof-mount-  regarded as insulation in the event of a direct lightning strike.
          ed structures such as ventilation systems or heat exchangers   Such coatings are punctured when subjected to the high ener-
                                                       gies deposited during a direct lightning strike.
          which have an electrically conductive connection into the
          building (see also chapter 5.1.8).
                                                       If conductive parts are located on the surface of the roof, they
                                                       can be used as a natural air-termination system if there is no
          Natural components of air-termination systems  conductive connection into the building.
          Metal structural parts such as roof parapets, gutters, railings   By connecting e.g. pipes or incoming electrical conductors,
          or claddings can  be used as  natural components  of an  air-  partial lightning currents can enter the structure and interfere
          termination system.                          with or even destroy sensitive electrical / electronic equipment.

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