Page 77 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 77

distance between the roof
                                                                       conductor holders of approx. 1 m

                          ~ 300
                ~90                                                                    ~300

                                                          flexible connection

          Figure  Plastic flat roof sheetings – Roof conductor holder of type KF / KF2

          conductor holders cannot be permanently bonded to roof   5.1.4  Air-termination systems on metal roofs
          sheetings since they usually do not permit the application of   Modern industrial and commercial buildings often have metal
          adhesives.                                   roofs and façades. The metal sheets and plates on the roofs are
          A simple and safe way of fixing air-termination conductors is   usually 0.7 to 1.2 mm thick.
          to use roof conductor holders of type KF in combination with
          strips (strips must be cut to the desired length) made of the   Figure shows an example of the construction of a
          roof sheeting material. The strip is clamped into the plastic   metal roof. When such a roof is hit by a direct lightning strike,
          holder  and  both  sides  are  welded  onto  the  sealing.  Holder   melting or vaporisation at the point of strike can leave a hole
          and strip should be positioned directly next to a roof sheeting   in the roof. The size of the hole depends on the energy of the
          joint at a distance of approximately 1 m. The membrane strip   lightning strike and the material properties of the roof (e.g.
          is welded to the roof sheeting according to the roof sheeting   thickness). The biggest problem is the subsequent damage,
          manufacturer's instructions. This prevents air-termination con-  e.g. ingress of moisture, at this point. Days or weeks can pass
          ductors from being displaced on flat roofs.  before this damage is noticed. The roof insulation gets damp
                                                       and / or the ceiling gets wet and is thus no longer rainproof.
          If the slope of the roof is greater than 5 °, every roof conduc-
          tor holder must be fixed, if it is smaller than 5 °, only every   One  example  of  damage  which  was  assessed  using  the
          second conductor holder must be fixed. If the slope of the roof   Siemens Lightning Information Service (Blitz-Informations
          is greater than 10 °, the roof conductor holder may not be suit-  Dienst von Siemens (BLIDS)) illustrates this problem (Figure
          able any more depending on the installation situation. A current of approximately 20,000 A struck the sheet
          If the plastic roof sheetings are mechanically fixed, the roof   metal and left a hole there (Figure Detail A). Since
          conductor holders must be arranged in the immediate vicinity   the sheet metal was not earthed by a down conductor, flash-
          of the mechanical fixing.                    over to natural metal parts in the wall occurred in the area
          When carrying out this work, it must be observed that the   around the fascia (Figure Detail B) which also left
          roofer is liable for welding and bonding work on the sealing.  a hole.
          Therefore, the work may only be carried out in agreement with   To prevent such kind of damage, a suitable external lightning
          the roofer responsible for the particular roof or must be carried   protection system with lightning current carrying wires and
          out by himself (Figure             clamps must be installed even on a “thin” metal roof. The

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