Page 87 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 87

More detailed information (e.g. installation, assembly) on   Conductors or cables can also be dimensioned using the roll-
          these steel telescopic lightning protection masts can be found   ing sphere method (radius of the rolling sphere according to
          in installation instructions No. 1729 (Figures  the class of LPS).
                                                       A meshed air-termination system can also be used if a suffi-
          Spanned by cables or conductors              cient separation distance s is maintained between the parts of
          According to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3), air-termination con-  the installation and the air-termination system. In such cases,
          ductors can be installed above the structure to be protected.  e.g. isolating spacers are vertically installed in concrete bases,
          The air-termination conductors generate a tent-shaped pro-  thus elevating the mesh (Figure
          tected volume at the sides and a cone-shaped protected vol-
          ume at the ends. The protective angle α depends on the class   DEHNiso Combi
          of LPS and the height of the air-termination systems above the   The DEHNiso Combi portfolio offers a user-friendly way of in-
          reference plane.                             stalling conductors or cables according to the three different
                                                       design methods for air-termination systems (rolling sphere,
                                                       protective angle, mesh method).
                                                       The cables are led through aluminium supporting tubes with
                                                       an “insulating clearance” (GRP – glass-fibre reinforced plas-
                                                       tic), which are fixed on the object to be protected or in a tripod.
                                                       Subsequently, they are routed separately to the down conduc-
                                                       tors or air-termination systems (e.g. mesh) by means of GRP

          Figure  Elevated air-termination system; source: Blitzschutz
                   Wettingfeld, Krefeld

                                                       Figure  Isolated air-termination system with DEHNiso Combi

          Figure  Tripod for isolated supporting tubes  Figure  Rail fixing clamp for DEHNiso Combi supporting tube

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