Page 83 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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h = 2.5 m + s
                                  Warning: Keep off
                                  the park deck during     Additional
                                  thunderstorms!        air-termination

                                      Air-termination stud
                                      Part No. 108 009

                        Conductors installed in concrete
                        or in the joints of the roadway
                                                           Height of the air-termination rod dimensioned
                      Discharge via steel reinforcement    according to the required protected volume

          Figure  Lightning protection system for a car park roof –   Figure  Lightning protection system for a car park roof –
                   Protection of the building                    Protection of the building and persons (IEC 62305-3
                                                                 (EN 62305-3); Annex E)

          5.1.6  Accessible roofs                      Furthermore, e.g. lighting masts can also be used as air-termi-
          It  is  not  possible  to  mount  air-termination  conductors  (e.g.   nation rods to prevent life hazards. In this case, however, the
          with concrete blocks) on roofs which are accessible by vehi-  partial lightning currents which may enter the structure via the
          cles. One possible solution is to install the air-termination con-  power lines must be observed. Therefore, it is imperative to
          ductors in either concrete or in the joints between the decks.   establish lightning equipotential bonding for these lines.
          If the air-termination conductor is installed in these joints, air-
          termination studs are fixed at the intersections of the meshes
          as defined points of strike.                 5.1.7  Air-termination system for green and
          The mesh size must not exceed the value specified for the rel-  flat roofs
          evant class of LPS (see chapter 5.1.1, Table  Green roofs can make economic and ecological sense since
                                                       they  provide  noise  insulation,  protect  the  roofing,  suppress
          If it is ensured that persons do not stay in this area during a   dust from the ambient air, provide additional heat insulation,
          thunderstorm, it is sufficient to take the measures described   filter and retain rainwater and are a natural way of improv-
          above.                                       ing the living and working atmosphere. Moreover, green roofs
          Persons who have access to the parking deck must be informed
          by a notice that they must immediately clear this parking deck   are publically funded in many regions. A distinction is made
          when a thunderstorm occurs and not return for the duration of   between so-called extensive and intensive green roofing. Ex-
          the storm (Figure                  tensive green roofing requires little effort, in contrast to in-
                                                       tensive green roofing which requires fertiliser, irrigation and
          If it is likely that persons stay on the roof surface during a   cutting. For both types of green roofing, either earth substrate
          thunderstorm, the air-termination system must be designed to   or granulate must be laid on the roof.
          protect these persons from direct lightning strikes, assuming   It is even more complicated if the granulate or substrate has to
          they have a height of 2.5 m (with stretched arm). The rolling   be removed due to a direct lightning strike.
          sphere or the protective angle method can be used to dimen-  If no external lightning protection system is installed, the roof
          sion the air-termination system according to the class of LPS   sealing can be damaged at the point of strike.
                                                       Experience has shown that, regardless of the effort required,
          These air-termination systems can consist of spanned cables or   the air-termination system of an external lightning protection
          air-termination rods. The air-termination rods are fixed to e.g.   system can and should be installed on the surface of a green
          structural elements such as parapets or the like.  roof.

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