Page 90 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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lamps, smoke extraction systems and other equipment con-
                                                    nected to the electrical low-voltage system (Figure

                                                    In accordance with the relevant lightning protection standards
                                                    of the IEC 62305 (EN 62305) series, these roof-mounted struc-
                                                    tures can be protected from direct lightning strikes by means
                                                    of isolated air-termination systems. To this end, both the air-
                                                    termination systems such as air-termination rods, air-termina-
                                                    tion tips or air-termination meshes and the down conductors
                                                    are isolated, in other words they have a sufficient separation
                                                    distance from the roof-mounted structures located in the pro-
                                                    tected volume. The installation of an isolated lightning protec-
                                                    tion system creates a volume protected against direct lightning
                                                    strikes and also prevents partial lightning currents from en-
                                                    tering the building. This is important because sensitive electri-
                                                    cal / electronic equipment can be interfered with or destroyed
                                                    by the injected partial lightning currents.
                                                    Extended roof-mounted structures are also equipped with a
                                                    system of isolated air-termination systems. These are connect-
       Figure  Protection against direct lightning strikes by means   ed with each other and with the earth-termination system. The
                 of self-supporting air-termination rods  size of the protected volume depends e.g. on the number and
                                                    height of the air-termination systems installed.
                                                    A  single  air-termination  rod  is  sufficient  to  provide  protec-
       5.1.11  Air-termination rods subjected to wind   tion for small roof-mounted structures. To this end, the rolling
             loads                                  sphere method in accordance with IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)
       Roofs are used as areas for technical equipment. Especially   is used (Figure
       when extending the technical equipment in the building, ex-  With the rolling sphere method, a rolling sphere whose radius
       tensive installations are sited on the roofs of large office and   depends on the class of LPS selected is rolled in all possible
       industrial buildings. In this case, it is essential to protect the   directions on and over the structure to be protected. During
       different roof-mounted structures such as air-conditioning and   this procedure, the rolling sphere may only touch the ground
       cooling systems, antennas of cell sites on rented buildings,   (reference plane) and / or the air-termination system.

                                                                       mesh size M
                                                      air-termination rod
                                                                                 down conductor
                                                      protective angle

          Max. height of the building  h 2          α                              rolling sphere
         Class  Radius of the   Mesh                                                 r
         of LPS rolling sphere (r) size (M)
           I     20 m     5 x 5 m
                                   h 1
          II     30 m    10 x 10 m
          III    45 m    15 x 15 m
          IV     60 m    20 x 20 m


       Figure  Procedure for installing air-termination systems according to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)

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