Page 88 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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       Figure  Isolated air-termination system with DEHNiso Combi  Figure  Installation of the down conductor on a steeple

       More  detailed  information  on  the application  of DEHNiso   each end of the air-termination conductor along the transverse
       Combi can be found in brochure DS151/E and in installation   ridge must be equipped with a down conductor.
       instructions No. 1475.
       The methods described above can be combined with each   Steeple
       other as required to adapt the isolated air-termination system   Steeples up to a height of 20 m must be equipped with a down
       to the local conditions (Figures to  conductor. If the steeple and the nave are joined, this down
                                                    conductor must be connected to the external lightning pro-
                                                    tection system of the nave along the shortest possible route
       5.1.9  Air-termination system for steeples and   (Figure If the down conductor of the steeple crosses
            churches                                a down conductor of the nave, a common down conductor
       External lightning protection system         can be used at this point. According to section 18.3 of Supple-
                                                    ment 2 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 standard, steeples with
       According  to  section  18.1  of  Supplement  2  of  the  German   a height of more than 20 m must be provided with at least two
       DIN EN 62305-3 standard, a lightning protection system ac-  down conductors. At least one of these down conductors must
       cording to class of LPS III meets the standard requirements   be connected with the external lightning protection system of
       for churches and steeples. In individual cases, for example in   the nave along the shortest possible route.
       case of structures of great cultural importance, a separate risk   Down conductors on steeples must be routed to the ground
       analysis must be carried out in accordance with IEC 62305-2   along the outer surface of the steeple. Installation inside
       (EN 62305-2).                                the steeple is not allowed (Supplement 2 of the German
                                                    DIN EN 62305-3 standard). Furthermore, the separation dis-
       Nave                                         tance s from metal parts and electrical installations in the stee-
       According  to  section  18.5  of  Supplement  2  of  the  German     ple (e.g. clock mechanisms, belfry) and underneath the roof
       DIN EN 62305-3 standard, the nave must be equipped with   (e.g. air-conditioning, ventilation and heating systems) must
       a separate lightning protection system and, if a steeple is at-  be maintained by a suitable arrangement of the external light-
       tached, this system must be connected with a down conductor   ning protection system. The necessary separation distance can
       of the steeple along the shortest possible route. In the transept,   be a problem especially at the church clock. In this case, the

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