Page 89 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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conductive connection into the building can be replaced by an   tural parts. In order to protect structures on the nacelle such
          insulating joint (e.g. a GRP tube) to prevent hazardous spark-  as anemometers in the event of a lightning strike, air-termi-
          ing in parts of the external lightning protection system.  nation rods or “air-termination cages” are installed (Figure
          In more modern churches made of reinforced concrete, the re-
          inforcing steels can be used as down conductors if they have   The metal tower or, in case of a prestressed concrete tower,
          a permanently conductive connection. If pre-cast reinforced   round wires (St/tZn, Ø 8 ...10 mm) or flat strips (St/tZn, 30 mm x
          concrete parts are used, the reinforcement may be used as a   3.5 mm) embedded in the concrete are used as a down conduc-
          down conductor if connection points are provided on the pre-  tor. The wind turbine is earthed by means of a foundation earth
          cast concrete parts to continuously connect the reinforcement.  electrode in the tower base and the meshed connection to the
                                                       foundation earth electrode of the operations building or other
          According to the Supplement 2 of the German DIN EN 62305-3    wind turbines. This creates an “equipotential surface” which
          standard, lightning equipotential bonding / surge protection   prevents potential differences in the event of a lightning strike.
          of the electrical equipment (power installation, telephone and
          loudspeaker system, etc.) is implemented at the entrance point
          into the building and for the bell controller in the steeple and
          at the control system.

          5.1.10  Air-termination systems for wind
                turbines                                                          receptor
          Lightning protection
          The continuous further development of modern wind turbines                wire mesh
          with tower heights of more than 100 m considerably increases
          the risk of lightning strikes to a wind turbine. Moreover, the
          value of wind turbines is increased as a result of the higher
          generator outputs. Due to the global use of wind turbines, this
          technology is increasingly used in areas with a high lightning
          activity. At these heights, fire caused by lightning effects can
          rarely be extinguished by means of conventional fire-fighting
          International standards follow this trend. The IEC 61400-24
          (EN 61400-24) standard (Wind turbines: Lightning protection)
          requires class of LPS I and therefore, wind turbines must be
          designed for lightning currents of 200,000 A.
          Principle of an external lightning protection system   Figure  Wind turbine with integrated receptors in the rotor
          for wind turbines                                       blades
          An external lightning protection system consists of air-termi-
          nation  systems,  down  conductors  and  an  earth-termination
          system and protects against mechanical destruction and fire.
          Since lightning typically strikes the rotor blades of wind tur-
          bines, e.g. receptors are integrated in the rotor blades to pro-
          vide defined points of strike (Figure

          In order to discharge the injected lightning currents to earth
          in a controlled way, the receptors in the rotor blades are con-
          nected  to  the  hub  via  a  metal  connecting  cable  (flat  strip,
          St/tZn, 30 mm x 3.5 mm, or copper cable, 50 mm ). Carbon
          fibre brushes or spark gaps in air bridge the ball bearings in   Figure  Lightning protection for the anemometers of a wind
          the head of the nacelle to avoid welding of the rotating struc-  turbine

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