Page 85 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 85

Angled supports are a practical so-
                                                                           lution when air- termination rods
                                                                           also have to be protected against
                                                                           the effects of side winds (Figures
                              direct connection                            If higher air-termination rods
                                                                           are required, e.g. for larger roof-
                                                                           mounted structures where noth-
                                                                           ing can be fixed, these air-termi-
                                                                           nation rods can be provided with
          1st floor
                                                                           special stands.
                                                                           Self-supporting air-termination rods
          ground floor                                                      up to a height of 14 m can be in-
                           data lines                                      stalled using a tripod. These stands
                                                                           are fixed on the floor by means of
                                                                           standard concrete bases (stacked
                                                                           on top of each other). Additional
                                                                           supports  are  required  for a  free
          basement                                                         height of 6 m and more in order to
                                                                      MEB  withstand the wind loads.
                                           PP                              These self-supporting air-termi-
                                                                           nation rods can be used for a
                                                                           wide range of applications (e.g.
                                                                           antennas, PV systems).  Their
          Figure   Risk posed by directly connected roof-mounted structures  advantage is the short instal-
                                                                           lation time since no holes must
                                                                           be drilled and only few elements
          Air-termination rods with a height between 2.5 m and 3.0 m    need to be screwed together (Figures and
          must  be  fixed  at  the  object  to  be  protected  by  means  of
          spacers made of electrically insulating material (e.g. DEHNiso    Lightning protection masts are used to protect complete build-
          spacer) (Figure                    ings or installations (e.g. free field PV systems, ammunition

          Figure  Isolated air-termination system – Protection by an   Figure  Air-termination rod with spacer
                   air-termination rod

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