Page 102 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 102

sphere  method  are ideally  positioned.  These  structures  are   ¨  Prevention of creeping discharge
       typically connected to the technical equipment of the building.  ¨  Sufficient current carrying capability thanks to a sufficient
       Discharging the lightning current to earth while maintaining   cross-sectional area of the down conductor
       a sufficient separation distance s and ensuring the aesthetical
       appearance of the building is a special challenge. HVI (High   ¨  Lightning current carrying connection of the down conduc-
       Voltage Insulation) Conductors are an ideal solution.  tor to the air-termination system (air-termination rod, air-
                                                       termination conductor, etc.)
       Separation distance                          ¨  Connection to the earth-termination or equipotential bond-
       The calculation of the separation distance forms the basis for   ing system
       the decision whether and which HVI Conductor can be used for   If certain high-voltage boundary conditions are fulfilled, the
       the installation. Consequently, the design of an isolated light-  separation distance s can be maintained by covering the
       ning protection system is based on the separation distance. To   down conductor with insulating materials with a high electric
       be able to take adequate protection measures, the separation   strength. However, possible creeping discharge must be pre-
       distance must be already calculated at the design stage. Chap-  vented! This problem cannot be solved by using a conductor
       ter 5.6 gives a detailed description of the different calculation   which is covered with insulating materials only.
       options for determining the separation distance. The absolute   Creeping discharge near proximities (e.g. between earthed
       conductor lengths are decisive for calculating the separation   metal conductor holders and the feed point), which may lead
       distance particularly in case of HVI Conductors. According to   to  an  overall  flashover  at  the  surface  over  great  conductor
       IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3), the separation distance s for pre-  lengths, already occurs in case of relatively low impulse volt-
       venting uncontrolled flashover is calculated as follows:  ages.
                          k k                       Areas where insulating material, metal (at high voltage poten-
                      s =  i  c  l                  tial or earthed) and air coincide are critical points where creep-
                           k                        ing discharge may occur. This environment is highly stressed
                                                    since creeping discharge can arise and the electric strength can
       s    separation distance                     be significantly reduced. Creeping discharge is to be expect-
       k i    depends on the selected class of LPS  ed when normal components of the electric field strength E
                                                    (vertical to the surface of the insulating material) exceed the
       k c    depends on the lightning current flowing through the   creeping discharge inception voltage and tangential field com-
            down conductors
                                                    ponents (in parallel to the surface of the insulating material)
       k m    depends on the material of the electrical insulation  accelerate the propagation of the creeping discharge (Figure
       l    length along the air-termination system or down con-
            ductor in metres from the point where the separation
            distance is supposed to be determined to the next
            equipotential bonding or earthing point
       The separation distance is determined by means of the length   inner
       (l) of the down conductor, the class of LPS (k i ), the distribution   conductor
       of the lightning current to different down conductors (k c ) and
       the material factor (k m ).
       Design and functional principle of HVI Conductors
       The basic principle of a high-voltage-resistant, insulated down
       conductor is that a lightning current carrying conductor is
       covered with insulating material to ensure that the required
       separation distance s from other conductive parts of the build-  proximity
       ing structure, electrical lines and pipelines is maintained. In
       principle, a high-voltage-resistant, insulated down conductor
       must fulfil the following requirements if it is used to prevent
       impermissible proximities:
       ¨  Sufficient electric strength of the insulation in case of light-  Figure  Formation of a creeping discharge at an insulated
         ning voltage impulses along the entire HVI Conductor   down conductor without special sheath

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