Page 34 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 34


          Step 3: Confirming connected modules
          This is the third step to make the system work after
          installing the Arc Monitor. Use this procedure to confirm
          connected modules during start up.
          In window, 3.1.1 view connected do the following:
          1.   Check the list of modules and if all modules are
               included, press Yes.
          2.   If all modules not are included, press No. See next
               step 3, below.
               Make sure that supply voltage is switched off!

          3.   Remove the power and check the connections to
               the modules.
          4.   Power on.
          5.   Start-Up sequence will start again with step 1. See:
               “Step 1: Setting menu language” on page 33.

          Step 4: Checking DIP Switches
          This is the fourth step to make the system work after
          installing the Arc Monitor. Use this procedure to check the
          DIP switches.
          In window, 3.2 view DIP Switch do the steps below:                      3.2 View DIP
                                                                            DIP Switch OK?
          1.   Check the DIP Switch and scroll with right arrow to          10  10  01  00
               next switch.                                                 Switches are not used
          2.   Check through all DIP switches menus.                       N o               Y e s

          3.   The last switch menu, 3.2 view DIP display,
          4.   DIP Switch OK? If all DIP Switches are OK, press Yes.
          5.   If some of the DIP switches are not OK, Press NO.                                    1SFC170011M0201
               See next step 6, below.                        Figure 40
                                                              Checking DIP switches
               Make sure that supply voltage is switched off!
          6.   Remove power and check the DIP switch.
          7.   Power on.
          8.   Start-Up sequence will start again with step 1. See:
               “Step 1: Setting menu language” on page 33.

          Step 5: Final confirmation
          This is the fifth step to make the system work after
          installing the Arc monitor. Use this procedure to confirm
          that all Start-Up settings are done.
          In the Start-up menu do the steps below:
          1.   Press OK. All settings done. The system is now
               ready to run accordingly and will return to
               Start window.
          2.   Check that the green LEDs “Power”    on left side
               of extension modules on Arc Monitor is lit.
          3.   Check that the Green LED “Power” on HMI is lit.
          4.   Check that HMI is showing text.
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