Page 200 - B_ELSB_Cat_2022_01_MCBs
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          MCBs technical details
          Performances at different ambient temperatures

          S2011C and S202C
          B and C char
          Rated    Temperature T (°C)
          I  (A)        -25     -20      -10       0      10       20      25       30      40       50      55
          2             2,60    2,55     2,45    2,34     2,23    2,12     2,06    2,00     1,87    1,74     1,67
          4             5,13    5,03     4,84    4,65     4,44    4,23     4,11    4,00     3,76    3,51     3,37
          6             7,54    7,42     7,15    6,88     6,60    6,30     6,15    6,00     5,68    5,35     5,17
          10           12,86    12,62    12,14    11,64    11,11    10,57    10,29    10,00    9,40    8,77    8,43
          13           16,42    16,14    15,56    14,96    14,33    13,68    13,35    13,00    12,28    11,52    11,11
          15           18,93    18,61    17,95    17,26    16,54    15,79    15,40    15,00    14,16    13,26    12,78
          16            20,2    19,8     19,1    18,4     17,6    16,8     16,4    16,0     15,1    14,1     13,6
          20            25,4    24,9     24,0    23,1     22,1    21,1     20,5    20,0     18,9    17,6     17,0
          25            30,9    30,4     29,4    28,4     27,3    26,2     25,6    25,0     23,8    22,5     21,8
          32            39,3    38,7     37,5    36,2     34,8    33,5     32,7    32,0     30,5    28,8     28,0
          40            48,1    47,4     46,0    44,6     43,1    41,6     40,8    40,0     38,4    36,6     35,7

          S203C and S204C
          B and C char
          Rated    Temperature T (°C)
          I  (A)        -25     -20      -10       0      10       20      25       30      40       50      55
          2             2,48    2,44     2,36    2,27     2,18    2,09     2,05    2,00     1,89    1,78     1,73
          4             5,23    5,13     4,92    4,70     4,48    4,25     4,12    4,00     3,74    3,45     3,31
          6             7,15    7,05     6,85    6,65     6,44    6,22     6,11    6,00     5,73    5,44     5,29
          10           13,11    12,86    12,33    11,78    11,21    10,62    10,31    10,00    9,31    8,57    8,19
          16           19,33    19,05    18,49    17,90    17,29    16,66    16,33    16,00    15,24    14,44    14,03
          20           24,33    23,97    23,23    22,46    21,67    20,85    20,43    20,00    18,79    17,51    16,83
          25           35,37    34,54    32,83    31,04    29,15    27,15    26,09    25,00    22,67    20,11    18,73
          32           43,09    42,18    40,32    38,38    36,35    34,23    33,13    32,00    29,38    26,55    25,04

          S 750 DR
          E          Maximum operating current at ambient temperature T (°C)
          Rated current      -20         -10         0          10         20          30         40         50
          I  (A)
          16                 21.4       20.4       19.3        18.2       17.1       16.0        15.2       14.4
          20                 26.8       25.4       24.1        22.7       21.4       20.0        19.0       18.0
          25                 33.5       31.8       30.1        28.4       26.7       25.0        23.8       22.5
          32                 42.9       40.7       38.5        36.4       34.2       32.0        30.4       28.8
          40                 53.6       50.9       48.2        45.4       42.7       40.0        38.0       36.0
          50                 67.0       63.6       60.2        56.8       53.4       50.0        47.5       45.1
          63                 84.5       80.2       75.9        71.6       67.3       63.0        59.9       56.8
          80                107.2      101.8       96.3        90.9       85.4       80.0        76.0       72.1
          100               134.1      127.2       120.4      113.6      106.8       100.0       95.1       90.1

          K          Maximum operating current at ambient temperature T (°C)
          Rated current      -20         -10         0          10         20          30         40         50
          I  (A)
          16                 21.4       20.4       19.3        18.2       17.1       16.0        15.2       14.4
          20                 26.8       25.4       24.1        22.7       21.4       20.0        19.0       18.0
          25                 33.5       31.8       30.1        28.4       26.7       25.0        23.8       22.5
          32                 42.9       40.7       38.5        36.4       34.2       32.0        30.4       28.8
          40                 53.6       50.9       48.2        45.4       42.7       40.0        38.0       36.0
          50                 67.0       63.6       60.2        56.8       53.4       50.0        47.5       45.1
          63                 84.5       80.2       75.9        71.6       67.3       63.0        59.9       56.8
          80                107.2      101.8       96.3        90.9       85.4       80.0        76.0       72.1
          100               134.1      127.2       120.4      113.6      106.8       100.0       95.1       90.1
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