Page 201 - B_ELSB_Cat_2022_01_MCBs
P. 201


          MCBs technical details
          Performances at different ambient temperatures

          DDA200 + S200, DS200 with B, C and D characteristics
          Max. operating current depending on the ambient temperature of a circuit-breaker in load circuit.
          B and C  Ambient temperature T (°C)
          I  (A)         -25      -20       -10       0        10       20       30       40        50       55
          0.5           0.64      0.62     0.60     0.58     0.55      0.53     0.50     0.47     0.44      0.43
          1             1.27      1.25     1.20     1.15      1.11     1.05     1.00     0.94     0.88      0.85
          1.6           2.04      2.00     1.92     1.85      1.77     1.69     1.60     1.51     1.41      1.36
          2             2.54      2.49     2.40     2.31     2.21      2.11     2.00     1.89      1.76     1.70
          3             3.80      3.70     3.60     3.50     3.30      3.20     3.00     2.80     2.60      2.50
          4              5.10     5.00     4.80     4.60     4.40      4.20     4.00     3.80     3.50      3.40
          6              7.60     7.50     7.20     6.90     6.60      6.30     6.00     5.70     5.30      5.10
          8             10.15    10.00     9.60     9.20     8.80      8.40     8.00     7.50      7.10     6.80
          10            12.70    12.50    12.00    11.50     11.10    10.50    10.00     9.40     8.80      8.50
          13            16.50    16.20    15.60    15.00     14.40    13.70    13.00    12.30     11.50    11.10
          16            20.40    20.00    19.20    18.50     17.70    16.90    16.00    15.10     14.10    13.60
          20            25.40    24.90    24.00    23.10     22.10    21.10    20.00    18.90     17.60    17.00
          25            31.80    31.20    30.00    28.90     27.60    26.40    25.00    23.60     22.00    21.20
          32            40.60    39.90    38.50    37.00     35.40    33.70    32.00    30.20     28.20    27.20
          40            50.80    49.90    48.10    46.20     44.20    42.20    40.00     37.70    35.30    34.00
          50            63.50    62.40    60.10     57.70    55.30    52.70    50.00     47.10    44.10    42.50
          63            80.00    78.60    75.70    72.70     69.60    66.40    63.00    59.40     55.60    53.50

          DDA200 + S200, DS200 (K and Z characteristics)
          Max. operating current depending on the ambient temperature of a circuit-breaker in load circuit.
          K and Z  Ambient temperature T (°C)
          I  (A)         -25      -20       -10       0        10       20       30       40        50       55
          0,5            0.63     0.61     0.59     0.56      0.53     0.50     0.47     0.43      0.40     0.38
          1              1.25     1.22     1.17     1.12      1.06     1.00     0.94     0.87      0.79     0.75
          1,6           2.00      1.96     1.88     1.79      1.70     1.60     1.50     1.39      1.26     1.20
          2             2.50      2.45     2.35     2.24      2.12     2.00     1.87     1.73      1.58     1.50
          3              3.75     3.70     3.50     3.40      3.20     3.00     2.80     2.60     2.40      2.30
          4              5.00     4.90     4.70     4.50     4.20      4.00     3.70     3.50      3.20     3.00
          6              7.5      7.30     7.00     6.70     6.40      6.00     5.60     5.20      4.70      4.5
          8              10.0     9.80     9.40     8.90     8.50      8.00     7.50     6.90      6.30      6.0
          10             12.5    12.20    11.70    11.20     10.60    10.00     9.40     8.70      7.90      7.5
          13             16.3    15.90    15.20    14.50     13.80    13.00    12.20    11.30     10.30      9.8
          16             20.0    19.60    18.80     17.90    17.00    16.00    15.00    13.90     12.60     12.0
          20             25.0    24.50    23.50    22.40     21.20    20.00    18.70     17.30    15.80     15.0
          25             31.3    30.60    29.30    28.00     26.50    25.00    23.40     21.70    19.80     18.8
          32            40.0     39.20    37.50    35.80     33.90    32.00    29.90     27.70    25.30     24.0
          40             50.0    49.00    46.90    44.70     42.40    40.00    37.40    34.60     31.60     30.0
          50            62.5     61.20    58.60    55.90     53.00    50.00    46.80    43.30     39.50     37.5
          63             78.8    77.20    73.90    70.40     66.80    63.00    58.90    54.60     49.80     47.2
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