Page 103 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 103

ing end range depends on the type of HVI Conductor. This spe-
           connection to the
           air-termination system                      cial sealing end begins at the feed point (connection to the air-
                                sealing end range      termination system) and ends with the equipotential bonding
          injection of lightning                       connection element at a defined distance (Figure
          impulse current
            inner conductor    semiconductive          Based on the necessary separation distance s, the maximum
                               sheath                  conductor length L max  of such an insulated down conductor
               high-voltage-                           can be calculated as follows:
               resistant insulation   connection to the equi-
                                  potential bonding system                   k   s
                                                                      L    =  m
          Figure  Components of a HVI Conductor                max   k k
                                                                              i  c
                                                       Types of HVI Conductors
          The creeping discharge inception voltage defines the resist-
          ance of the entire insulation arrangement and has a lightning   HVI Conductors were adapted to meet the constantly growing
          impulse voltage between 250 and 300 kV for such arrange-  requirements on the installation environment. Three types of
          ments.                                       HVI Conductors are available:
                                                       ¨  HVI light Conductor, DEHNcon-H
          Coaxial cables with semi-conductive sheath   ¨  HVI Conductor, HVI long Conductor
          The  specifically  developed  single-conductor  coaxial  cable   ¨  HVI power Conductor
          (HVI Conductor) allows to prevent creeping discharge and to
          safely discharge the lightning current to the ground (Figure   Each of these types of HVI Conductors (Figure has
                                    different  thicknesses  and  characteristics  and  thus  different
          Insulated  down  conductors  with  field  control  via  a  semi-  installation requirements. HVI Conductors are available with
          conductive sheath prevent creeping discharge by specifically   black and grey sheath. The additional grey sheath allows a
          influencing the electric field in the sealing end range. Thus, the   more aesthetical installation of the HVI Conductor on the rel-
          lightning current is led into the special cable and is safely dis-  evant building. The most important parameters of the different
          charged while maintaining the necessary separation distance s.    HVI Conductors are listed in Table
          It must be observed that the magnetic field surrounding the
          current carrying inner conductor is not interfered with.  HVI  Conductors  fulfil  the  requirements  of  the  IEC  62561-2
          A specially adapted sealing end range of the conductor was   (EN 62561-2) standard. In the following, the different types of
          created by optimising the field control. The length of this seal-  HVI Conductors will be described in detail.

           semiconductive sheath                                                field line
           (resistance to creeping voltage)

            insulating material
           (electric strength)
                                                                                     0 V

           copper inner
                                                        1.5 m                          EB connection
                  head piece                                                           element

          Figure  Functional principle sealing end / field control

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