Page 105 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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tem of the building (Figure DEHNcon-H, HVI light
                                                       Conductor III with a sealing end that must be established on
                                                       site is used if the air-termination system is to be connected
                                                       to other parts (e.g. connection to the eaves). The separation
                                                       distance at the connection point is s ≤ 0.175 m in air or is
                                                       s ≤ 0.35 in case of solid material (Figure

                                                       HVI Conductor (s ≤ 0.75 m in air, s ≤ 1.5 m in case of
                                                       solid material)
                                                       The standard HVI Conductor offers a wide range of installation
                                                       options. For example, it protects large roof-mounted structures,
                                                       antennas and masts including information technology equip-
                                                       ment against direct lightning strikes. Moreover, this conduc-
                                                       tor can be routed up to the earth-termination system. If this
                                                       is not required, it can be connected to existing conventional
                                                       lightning protection systems (elevated / isolated ring conduc-
          Figure  Connection of DEHNcon-H (HVI light Conductor I)    tor).  Depending  on  the  field  of  application,  two  types  (pre-
                   to the earth-termination system     assembled) are available:
                                                       ¨  HVI Conductor I
                                                       ¨  HVI Conductor III

                                                       HVI Conductor I is used if the air-termination system of the
                                                       external lightning protection system is directly connected to
                                                       the earth-termination system of the building (Figure
                                                       HVI Conductor III with a fixed sealing end and a sealing end to
                                                       be established on site is typically used where the total length
                                                       cannot be exactly determined at the design stage. It is also
                                                       used if e.g. several parts of the structure to be protected are
                                                       jointly connected to the earth-termination system of the build-
                                                       ing via an elevated / isolated ring conductor (Figure

                                                       Connection to the equipotential bonding system of the build-
                                                       ing (functional equipotential bonding) is required to establish
          Figure  Protection of a residential building by means of   the sealing end of the HVI Conductor.
                   DEHNcon-H (HVI light Conductor III)
                                                       HVI long Conductor (s ≤ 0.75 m in air, s ≤ 1.5 m in case
                                                       of solid material)
                                                       Due to unknown and constantly changing building situations,
                                                       the exact lengths of HVI Conductors for new buildings or build-
                                                       ings in need of renovation can frequently not be determined at
                                                       the design stage of a lightning protection system. Therefore,
                                                       the HVI long Conductor can be assembled on site and is avail-
                                                       able on a reel with a length of 100 m. The installer determines
                                                       the lengths, strips the conductor and fixes the sealing ends
                                                       on site.

                                                       Connection to the equipotential bonding system of the build-
          Figure  Protection of a biomethane plant by means of a HVI   ing (functional equipotential bonding) is required to establish
                   Conductor I                         the sealing end of the HVI long Conductor.

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