Page 107 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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The connection element is then screwed onto the conductor.
                                                       It is fixed by means of two threaded pins and is electrically
                                                       contacted. Finally, a self-adhesive heat-shrinkable sleeve is ap-
                            α   α                      plied to the conductor by means of a hot air blower. This heat-
                                                       shrinkable sleeve provides additional mechanical protection
                                                       and protects the conductor end from the ingress of moisture,
                                                       thus preventing corrosion of the inner copper conductor.
                HVI power                              Installation of the EB connection element
                Conductor                              EB connection elements must be installed depending on the
                                                       type of HVI Conductor, installation conditions and sealing end
                                          end range    length according  to the  separation  distance. More detailed
                                                       information can be found in the relevant installation instruc-
                                                       If a grey HVI Conductor is used, the additional grey sheath
                                                       must be removed to contact the semiconductive sheath un-
                                                       derneath it. After that, the EB connection element can be in-
              e.g. antenna
                          EB     supporting tube with   Use of HVI Conductors for protecting roof-mounted
                                 air-termination rod
                                                       Metal  and  electrical  roof-mounted  structures  protrude  from
                                                       the roof level and are exposed to lightning strikes. Due to
                                                       conductive connections into the structure via pipes, ventila-
                                                       tion ducts and electrical lines, partial lightning currents may be
          Figure  Sealing end range           injected into the structure.
                                                       The injection of partial lightning currents into the structure is
                                                       prevented by connecting an isolated air-termination system to
                                                       the insulated down conductor which ensures that the entire
                                                       electrical / metal equipment protruding from the roof is located
                                                       in the protected volume. The lightning current is led past the
                                                       structure to be protected and is distributed via the earth-ter-
                                                       mination system.

                                                       Installation of HVI Conductors in façades
                                                       It is often a special challenge to inconspicuously integrate a
                                                       down conductor while maintaining the required separation
                                                       distance s. In the past, this was achieved by using a round wire
                                                       which was fixed by DEHNiso spacers. This horizontal distance
          Figure  HVI strip stripping tool    is often not acceptable although it was required from a techni-
                                                       cal point of view. HVI Conductors can be directly installed on
                                                       or in façades and thus open up different design possibilities.
          that the high-voltage-resistant insulation is stripped correctly.   This innovative technology combines functionality and design
          User-friendly tools are available for this purpose.  and therefore is an important aspect of modern architecture.
          If the grey HVI Conductor (exception: HVI light Conductor) is   HVI Conductors allow to easily discharge the lightning current
          used, the grey sheath must be removed by about 65 mm with-  to the earth-termination system without having to maintain
          out damaging the black sheath of the conductor underneath   distances from metal and electrical parts.
          it. After that, the outer sheath and the PE insulation are easily
          and safely stripped by 35 mm using the HVI strip tool (Figure   Use of HVI Conductors for transceivers
 which  ensures  that the  copper  conductor  under-  Cell sites are often installed on rented roof space. The cell site
          neath them is not damaged.                   operator and the building owner usually agree that the instal-

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