Page 159 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 159

If ring earth electrodes (control earth electrodes) cannot be   (e.g. shelters), measures against impermissibly high touch
          installed as a circle, their ends must be connected to the other   voltages may also be required. In addition, the risk to per-
          ends of the ring earth electrodes. There should be at least two   sons is included in a risk analysis for a structure according to
          connections within the individual rings (Figure 5.7.5).  IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) in the form of the parameter L1
                                                       (injury or death of persons).
          When choosing the materials for the ring earth electrodes, pos-
          sible corrosion must be observed (chapter 5.5.7).  The following measures reduce the risk of touch voltage:

          Stainless steel (V4A), e.g. material No. AISI/ASTM 316 Ti, has   ¨  The down conductor is covered with insulating material (at
          proven to be a good choice when the cell formation between   least 3 mm cross-linked polyethylene with an impulse with-
          the foundation and ring earth electrode is taken into account.   stand voltage of 100 kV (1.2/50 µs)).
          Ring earth electrodes can be designed as round wires     ¨  The position of the down conductors is changed (e.g. no
          (Ø 10 mm) or flat strips (30 mm x 3.5 mm).     down conductors in the entrance area of the structure).
                                                       ¨  The resistivity of the surface layer of the earth within up
                                                         to  3  m  around  the  down  conductor  is  at  least  100  kΩ
          5.7.1  Coping with touch voltage at the down   (IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)).
               conductors of a lightning protection
               system                                  ¨  The probability of persons accumulating can be reduced by
          The area at risk of touch and step voltages for persons outside   notes or prohibition signs. Barriers are also a possibility.
          a building is located within a distance of 3 m around the build-  Protection measures against touch voltage are not always
          ing and at a height of 3 m. The height of this area is equal to
          the height of the maximum reachable height of a person rais-  sufficient to ensure effective personal protection. For exam-
          ing a hand and an additional separation distance s (Figure   ple, it is not sufficient to cover an exposed down conductor
                                    with a high-voltage-resistant insulation if protection measures
                                                       against creeping flashover at the surface of the insulation are
          Special requirements apply to protection measures in e.g.   not taken at the same time. This is particularly important if
          entrance areas or covered areas of highly frequented struc-  environmental influences such as rain (moisture) must be con-
          tures such as theatres, cinemas, shopping centres and nursery   sidered.
          schools for which no insulated down conductors and lightning   As is the case with bare down conductors, a high voltage builds
          protection earth electrodes are in close proximity.  up in the event of a lightning strike if insulated down conduc-
          In case of extremely exposed structures (structures prone to   tors are used. However, the insulation protects persons from
          lightning strikes) which are accessible to the general public   this voltage. Since it can be assumed that the human body is
                                                       extremely conductive compared to the insulating material, the
                                                       insulation layer is loaded with almost the total touch voltage.
                                                       If the insulation does not withstand this voltage, a part of the
                                                       lightning current can travel through the human body to earth
                                                       as is the case with bare down conductors. To ensure that per-
                                                       sons are reliably protected against touch voltage, it is therefore

                                                              PEX insulation

                 2.50 m
                                                          copper conductor

                                                                              PE sheath

          Figure  Area to be protected for a person  Figure  Design of a CUI Conductor

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