Page 163 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 163

U S  in kV                                 U S  in kV
            800                                        350
            700                            1 ring      300                            1 ring
            600                            2 rings     250                            2 rings
                                           3 rings                                    3 rings
            500                            4 rings     200                            4 rings
            400                            Limit value                                Limit value
            100                                         50
             0                                          0
              0   2   4  6   8  10  12  14  16  18  20   0   2   4  6   8  10  12  14  16  18  20
                                                 r in m                                     r in m
          Figure  Comparison of the step voltages in the reference model when using several ring earth electrodes: Soil ionisation is not
                   considered (left), soil ionisation is considered (right)

          As  expected,  the  relevant  step  voltages  are  considerably   Reaction of the human body
          reduced if further rings are added. However, it must be ob-  Since in some cases the arising step voltages are considerably
          served that the step voltages are particularly reduced within   higher than the assumed limit value, the question arises as to
          the earth-termination system. Step voltages typically rise at   whether the current state of the art and common practice pro-
          the edge of the earth-termination system where the flow field   vide adequate protection from excessive step voltages. Bear-
          controlled by the ring earth electrodes enters the uncontrolled   ing in mind that, in particular in case of a poorly conducting
          electrical fields in the soil.               soil, the human body represents a significantly lower electric
          In this context, it is also remarkable that the step voltages aris-  resistance than the soil, the human body reacts to the arising
          ing outside the earth-termination system have a similar char-  step voltage. This is comparable to the load on a voltage source
          acteristic curve and are virtually independent of the number   with an extremely high internal resistance (Figure
          of rings installed in the earth-termination system. This can be
          clearly seen in Figure for r > 11 m. It is equally re-  In  “Blitzschutzanlagen – Erläuterungen zur DIN 57185 /
          markable that, even in case of a very complex arrangement of   VDE 0185” [Lightning protection systems – More detailed in-
          four rings and under consideration of soil ionisation, the step   formation on DIN 57185 / VDE 0185], H. Neuhaus introduces
          voltages determined still significantly exceed the limit value   a similar concept in the form of earth resistances of the feet,
          of 25 kV.                                    which present some kind of contact resistance between the

                                           R K  << R E

                            ½ R K     ½ R K
            soil surface   I K
             I tot
                        R E ‘    R E ‘    R E ‘

          Figure  Person loading the step voltage on the soil surface  Figure  Highly simplified model of a human body to test its
                                                                 reaction to step voltage (marked in red)

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