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mandatory to prevent puncture of the insulation and creeping   creeping flashover along the surface of the insulation. Impulse
       flashover along the insulating clearance.    withstand voltage tests under wet conditions according to
       A harmonised system solution such as the CUI Conductor pre-  IEC 60060-1 (EN 60060-1) have shown that the CUI Conductor
       vents puncture and creeping flashover and thus ensures pro-  is both resistant to puncture and creeping flashover in case of
       tection against touch voltage.               impulse voltages up to 100 kV (1.2/50 µs). During these wet
                                                    tests, a defined quantity of water with a specific conductivity is
       Design of CUI Conductors                     sprayed onto the conductor at an angle of about 45 ° (Figure
       CUI Conductors consist of an inner copper conductor with a
       cross-section of 50 mm  and is coated with an insulation layer
       of impulse-voltage-proof cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) with   CUI Conductors are prewired with an element which can be
       a thickness of about 6 mm (Figure  connected to the down conductor (test joint) and can be short-
                                                    ened on site where appropriate to connect the CUI Conductor
       To protect the insulated conductor from external influences, it   to the earth-termination system. The product is available with
       is additionally covered with a thin polyethylene (PE) layer. The   a length of 3.5 m and 5 m and the required plastic or metal
       insulated down conductor is installed in the entire area which   conductor holders (Figure
       is at risk, in other words 3 m of the CUI Conductor are verti-  The special CUI Conductor copes with touch voltages at down
       cally installed above the surface of the earth. The upper end   conductors through simple measures and is easy to install, thus
       of the conductor is connected to the down conductor coming   considerably reducing the risk to persons in areas which are
       from the air-termination system, the lower end to the earth-  particularly at risk.
       termination system.
       In addition to the puncture strength of the insulation, the risk   Inductive coupling in case of an extremely high
       of  creeping  flashover  between  the  connection  point  to  the   current steepness
       bare down conductor and the hand of the person touching it   The effects of the magnetic field of the arrangement on the
       must also be considered. Pollution layers such as rain make   immediate vicinity of the down conductor must also be con-
       this problem of creeping discharge even worse. It could be   sidered to protect persons from touch voltage. In large instal-
       proven in tests that under wet conditions flashover can occur   lation loops, for example, voltages of several 100 kV can occur
       on an insulated down conductor along a distance of more than   in close proximity to the down conductor, resulting in serious
       1 m if no additional measures are taken. If the insulated down   economic consequences. In conjunction with the down con-
       conductor is provided with an adequate shield, a sufficient-  ductor and the conductive soil, the human body, which con-
       ly dry area is created on the CUI Conductor which prevents   ducts electricity, also forms a loop with a mutual induction M
                                                    in which high voltages U i  can be induced (Figures
                                                    and The combination of the down conductor and
                                                    the human body acts like a transformer.
                                                    This induced voltage is applied to the insulation since the hu-
                                                    man body and the soil can be assumed to be conductive. If the
                                                    voltage load becomes too high, puncture or flashover occurs on
                                                    the insulation. The induced voltage pushes a current through
                                                    this loop whose magnitude depends on the resistances and
                                                    the self-inductance of the loop and can be life-threatening for
                                                    the relevant person. Therefore, the insulation must withstand
                                                    this voltage load.


                                                       conductor holder


       Figure  Withstand voltage test under wet conditions  Figure  CUI Conductor

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