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step / body voltage can be included in the simulation. However,
                  a)                    b)             simulations with unloaded step voltages lead to excessive and
                                                       supposedly unacceptable voltage values.

                                                       To be able to assess the simulation results, a step voltage value
                         ∆i/∆t               ∆i/∆t     is available, which is secured by extensive literature research.
                                                       A prerequisite for the optimisation of earth-termination sys-
                                         U i           tems with regard to step voltage aspects is to define a permis-
                                                       sible step / body voltage which does not cause health damage.

                        h                              Step voltage limit values
                                                       Literature provides information on technical a.c. voltages as
                                                       well as hand-to-hand and hand-to-foot current paths. Step
                                                       voltage control in case of short-term impulses and a foot-to-
                                                       foot current path are not considered. Based on the time pa-
                  a                                    rameters of a first stroke of a 10/350 µs impulse form, pos-
                                                       sible limit values can be derived from IEC/TS 60479-1: “Effects
                                                       of current on human beings and livestock – Part 1: General
                            a               i        aspects” and IEC/TS 60479-2: “Effects of current on human
              M =  0.2 ⋅  h ⋅  ln        U   M
                            r        i      t        beings and livestock – Part 2: Special aspects”, volume 44 of
                            conductor 
                                                       the German VDE series “Neuhaus, H.: Blitzschutzanlagen – Er-
                                                       läuterungen zur DIN 57185/VDE 0185” [Lightning protection
          Figure  a) Loop formed by a down conductor and a person
                                                       systems – Explanations on DIN 57185/VDE 0185] and the so-
                   b) Mutual inductance M and induced voltage U i
                                                       called “electrocution equation” from C. F. Dalziel and W. R. Lee
                                                       “Reevaluation of Lethal Electric Currents. IEEE Transactions on
          The normative requirement of 100 kV at 1.2/50 µs includes   Industry Applications”. To affirm this information and to make
          the high, but extremely short voltage impulses which are only   it comprehensible, the flow fields in the human body in case
          present during the current rise (0.25 µs in case of a negative   of a step voltage were simulated on a PC by means of an FEM
          subsequent stroke). The loop and thus the mutual inductance   software and the so-called Hugo model. This Hugo model is a
          increase in relation with the burial depth of the insulated   3D simulation of the human body including all organs with a
          down conductors. Consequently, the induced voltage and the   spatial resolution of max. 1 mm x 1 mm x 1 mm and is based
          load on the insulation are increased accordingly. This must be
          observed when considering inductive coupling.
                                                                                       1000  V
          5.7.2  Optimisation of lightning protection                                   844
               earthing considering step voltage                                        781
               aspects                                                                  719
          The arrangements of ring earth electrodes as described in 5.7.1               656
          are not always feasible since they involve substantial struc-                 594
          tural and financial effort and for space reasons cannot always                531
          be implemented in, for example, densely built-up residential                  469
          areas. In the following, the optimisation possibilities using to-             344
          day’s modern simulation tools and their use for real arrange-                 281
          ments will be described.                                                      219
          Due to fundamental research and a comprehensive analy-                        156
          sis of literature, a tool is now available, which allows a 3D                 93.8
          simulation of widespread earth-termination systems and also        1 m        31.3
          considers the effect of soil ionisation. This is a considerable                 0
          improvement compared to the previous simplified analytic ap-  Figure  HUGO model with feet in step position acting as
          proaches. Moreover, the reaction of the human body to the   contact points (source: TU Darmstadt)

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