Page 162 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 162

Source                            U k        Calculations  are  performed  in  the  stationary  flow  field. The
                                                    lightning current amplitude is assumed to be 100 kA.
       IEC 60479-1 and IEC 60479-2      25 kV       The soil was simulated by means of two different models:
       Neuhaus                          15 kV       ¨  Model 1: The electrical properties of the soil are independ-
       Dalziel                          32 kV          ent from other electrical parameters (“linear“). Unless
                                                       specified otherwise, an electrical conductivity of 0.001 S/m
       Electric shock simulation (HUGO)  26.6 kV
                                                       is selected which corresponds to a resistivity of 1000 Ωm.
       Table  Step / body voltage limit values according to different   This represents a soil with a relatively poor electrical con-
                sources                                ductivity.
                                                    ¨  Model 2: Soil that changes its electrical conductivity de-
                                                       pending on the electric field strength (“non-linear“). This
                                                       model was selected to simulate the effect of soil ionisa-
          house          Φ(r)
           wall                                        tion. To achieve this, a conductivity characteristic is defined
                                                       which has an electrical conductivity of 0.001 S/m for an
                                        |U S |
                                                       electric field strength of less than 300 kV/m and an electri-
                                                       cal conductivity of 0.01 S/m for an electric field strength of
                                                       more than 500 kV/m and approximately linearly increases
                                                       between these values.
                                                    To be able to compare different earth-termination systems, a
                       r    d step                  reference model was defined:
                                                    ¨  Small building with a floor space of 10 m × 10 m and a
       Figure  Reference system for information on the step voltage
                                                       basement depth of 2 m
                                                    ¨  This building is assumed to be ideally insulating
       on  the  “Visible  Human  Project”  of  the  National  Library  of   To perform the simulation, the lightning current is injected into
       Medicine in Bethesda / USA. It can also be used to simulate   a terminal lug of the earth-termination system. From there it
       electrical fields in the human body.         spreads through the earth-termination system and the soil to
                                                    the ground area. The arising electric potential is determined at
       Simulation of step voltages                  the soil surface and the value of the step voltage |U S | is calcu-
       A step voltage of 1 kV is applied to the Hugo model with feet   lated for a step width d step  = 1 m. This is done along a straight
       in step position (step size of 1 m) (Figure In case of   line on the soil surface ranging from the one of the house walls
       this arrangement, the maximum current density in the heart is   to the edge of the calculation area. The location r is equal to
       about 1.2 A/m  and the total current flowing through the heart   the distance from the house wall (Figure
       is 7.5 kA. In case of a 10/350 µs impulse, the maximum heart
       current must not exceed 200 mA. This results in a maximum   Simulations at the reference model
       value of the step / body voltage of 26.6 kV. These calculated   Simulations are performed at the reference model with an in-
                                                    creasing number of ring earth electrodes that are installed in
       limit values of the step / body voltage are summarised in Table   line with common practice at a distance of 1 m, 4 m, 7 m and according different sources.         10 m from the house walls and at a depth of 0.5 m, 1 m, 1.5 m
       After evaluating all theoretical considerations and the relevant   and 2 m (Figure
       backgrounds of the limit values, the IEC limit value of 25 kV
       was  used  for  the  simulations.  Different  configurations  were   When comparing the results, several aspects are particularly
       simulated to be able to test and vary earth-termination sys-  striking: It can be seen that the step voltages are considerably
       tems at low costs.                           reduced compared to a linear soil if soil ionisation is consid-
                                                    ered. While a maximum step voltage of approximately 325 kV
       Reference model                              can be observed on an individual ring earth electrode when
       To minimise the influence of side effects, the calculation for all   considering soil ionisation, a voltage of approximately 750 kV
       earth-termination systems is performed in a hemisphere with a   occurs on a single earth electrode in case of linear soil. Howev-
       radius of 100 m. The surface of the sphere is defined as ground   er, the more rings are used, the smaller is the difference. In case
       (zero potential). The slice plane of the sphere is equivalent to   of two ring earth electrodes, for example, only approximately
       the surface of the earth if it is defined as electrical insulation.   220 kV respectively 225 kV occur.

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