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Air-termination systems and rods             tors (down conductors, air-termination conductors, earth en-
       Air-termination rods with a length of 1 m (e.g. installed in a   tries) with one another or to an installation. Depending on
       concrete base in case of flat-roofed buildings) up to 25 m (e.g.   the type of clamp and clamp material, many different clamp
       in case of biogas plants) are typically used as air-termination   combinations are possible. These depend on the type of con-
       system.                                      ductor routing and the relevant material combinations. Type
       IEC 62561-2 (EN 62561-2) specifies the material combinations   of conductor routing means whether the clamp connects the
       of air-termination systems and down conductors with one an-  conductor or conductors in a cross or parallel arrangement.
       other and with structural parts, minimum cross-sections and   A lightning current load causes electrodynamic and thermal
       permissible materials including their electrical and mechanical   forces which act on the clamp and must be withstood by the
       properties. In case of air-termination rods with larger heights,   clamp. The resulting forces are heavily dependant on the type
       the bending resistance of the air-termination rod and the sta-  of conductor routing and the clamp connection. Table 5.8.1
       bility of complete systems (air-termination rod in a tripod) must   shows materials which can be combined without causing con-
       be verified in a static calculation. The required cross-sections   tact corrosion. The combination of different materials with one
       and materials are then selected based on this calculation. The   another and their different mechanical strengths and thermal
       requirements / parameters of the relevant wind zone form the   properties  have  different  effects  on the  connection  compo-
       basis for this calculation.                  nents  when  lightning  current  flows  through  them. This  par-
                                                    ticularly becomes evident in case of connection components
       Testing of connection components             made of stainless steel (V4A) where high temperatures occur
       Connection components, often simply referred to as clamps,   due to the low conductivity as soon as lightning currents flow
       are used for lightning protection systems to connect conduc-  through them. Therefore, a lightning current test in compliance

                       Steel      Aluminium     Copper     StSt (V4A)   Titanium       Tin
        Steel (StZn)    yes          yes          no          yes          yes         yes
         Aluminium      yes          yes          no          yes          yes         yes
          Copper        no           no           yes         yes          no          yes
         StSt (V4A)     yes          yes          yes         yes          yes         yes
         Titanium       yes          yes          no          yes          yes         yes
            Tin         yes          yes          yes         yes          yes         yes
       Table 5.8.1  Possible material combinations of air-termination systems and down conductors with one another and with structural parts

       Figure 5.8.3  New and artificially aged components

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