Page 168 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 168

Figure  5.8.6 shows the test set-up for testing the tensile   Isolated air-termination systems
       strength of round conductors (e.g. aluminium). The coating   Isolated air-termination systems can be installed in a concrete
       quality as well as the minimum thickness and adhesion to the   base or tripod (without additional mechanical fixing). If air-
       base material are important and must be tested particularly   termination rods are between 2.5 m and 3.0 m high, they must
       if coated materials such as galvanised steel (St/tZn) are used.  be installed in a concrete base and mechanically fixed at the
       Moreover, the conductor materials must be easy to process   object to be protected using spacers made of insulating mate-
       during the installation of lightning protection systems. Wires   rial (insulating clearance made of GRP – glass-fibre reinforced
       or strips, for example, are supposed to be easily straightened   plastic) due to the wind load.
       by means of a wire straightener (guide pulleys) or by means of   If  no  additional  measures  are  taken,  high  impulse  voltages
       twisting. These normative requirements are relevant product   will cause flashover at the surfaces of the insulating materi-
       features which must be documented. This information can be   als. This effect is known as creeping flashover. If the creeping
       found in the manufacturer’s product data sheets.   discharge inception voltage is exceeded, a surface discharge
                                                    occurs which can easily flash over a distance of several metres
       Earth electrodes and earth rods              to earthed parts. This undesired flashover to metal installations
       IEC 62561-2 (EN 62561-2) describes the requirements earth   at or in the object to be protected can be prevented if the
       electrodes have to fulfil. These requirements include the mate-  necessary separation distance calculated in accordance with
       rial, configuration, minimum dimensions as well as mechani-  IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) is maintained. In general, the sepa-
       cal  and  electrical  properties. The  coupling  joints  linking  the   ration distance s is calculated as follows:
       individual rods are weak points of earth rods. For this reason,     k k
       IEC 62561-2 (EN 62561-2) requires that additional mechanical   s =  i  C  l
       and electrical tests be performed to test the quality of these    k m
       coupling joints. The test setup contains a test holder and a   s   Separation distance
       steel plate (impact area). A specimen consisting of two joined   k i    Factor depending on the lightning protection level
       rod parts with a length of 500 mm each is inserted into this   selected
       test holder. Three specimens are required for every type of   k c    Factor depending on the current distribution
       earth electrode. The top end of the specimen is impacted with
       a vibration hammer for a duration of two minutes. The stroke   k m    Factor depending on the material of the electrical
       rate of the hammer must be 2000 ± 1000 min  and the single   insulation
       stroke impact energy must be 50 ± 10 [Nm].   l     Length along the air-termination or down conductor
       If the coupling joints have passed this test without visible de-  from the point where the separation distance s is to
       fects, they are subjected to artificial ageing consisting of a salt   be determined to the nearest equipotential bonding
       mist and humid sulphurous atmosphere treatment. After that,   point or earthing point.
       each coupling joint is loaded with three 50 kA and 100 kA   It can be seen that the separation distance depends on the
       lightning current impulses of 10/350 µs wave form. The contact   length of the down conductor, the lightning protection level
       resistance of stainless steel earth rods (measured above the   selected, the distribution of the lightning current to the dif-
       coupling) must not exceed 2.5 mΩ in case of stainless steel   ferent down conductors and the insulating material in the in-
       earth rods.                                  sulating clearance. The factor k m  must also be considered in
       To test whether the coupling joint is still firmly connected af-  addition to the factors k i  , k c  and the length l. The values of k m
       ter being subjected to this lightning current load, the coupling   have been sufficiently determined and proven for solid materi-
       force is tested by means of a tensile testing machine.   als and air.

       Lightning protection components made of GRP  DEHNiso spacers and DEHNiso Combi supporting tubes have
       Nowadays roof-mounted structures such as domelights, anten-  been sufficiently tested with impulse voltage and are specified
       nas, air-conditioning systems, advertising signs, sirens, etc. are   with a factor k m  of 0.7 which is used to calculate the separa-
       often located on the roofs of large office and industrial build-  tion distance s. Thus, the factor k m  of 0.7 can be taken into ac-
       ings. These roof-mounted structures are typically electrically   count when calculating the necessary separation distance for
       operated or have a conductive connection into the building.   the relevant object (air or solid material in conformity with the
       According to the latest lightning protection technology, these   standard). The separation distance calculated must be smaller
       roof-mounted structures are protected against direct lightning   or equal to the insulating clearance of the product used to pre-
       strikes by means of isolated air-termination systems. This pre-  vent flashover as shown in Figure 5.8.7 which would impair
       vents partial lightning currents from entering the building.  the function of the entire lightning protection system.

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