Page 169 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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¨  EN  50522:  Earthing  of  power  installations  exceeding
                                                         1 kV a.c.
                                                       ¨  IEC 62271-202 (EN 62271-202): High-voltage / low-voltage
                                                         prefabricated substation
                                                       ¨  IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41): Low-voltage electrical
                                                         installations – Part 4-41: Protection for safety – Protection
                                                         against electric shock
          Figure 5.8.7   Flashover along the DEHNiso spacer made of GRP  ¨  IEC 60364-5-54 (HD 60364-5-54): Low-voltage electrical
                                                         installations – Part 5-54: Selection and erection of elec-
                                                         trical equipment – Earthing arrangements and protective
          If the separation distance is calculated correctly and the re-  conductors
          quired components are properly selected and mounted on site,   ¨  IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3): Protection against lightning:
          an effective isolated lightning protection system can be imple-  Physical damage to structures and life hazard
          mented for the structure.
          Components tested in conformity with the standard must be   ¨  DIN 18014: Foundation earth electrode – General planning
          used to be able to install a functional lightning protection   criteria (German standard)
          system. Installers of lightning protection systems must select   ¨  DIN VDE 0151: Material and minimum dimensions of earth
          the components according to the requirements at the place of   electrodes with respect to corrosion (German standard)
          installation and install them correctly. In addition to the me-
          chanical requirements, the electrical criteria according to the   Important terms and definitions
          latest lightning protection technology must be considered and   Earth electrodes are defined as non-insulated conductors in
          observed. This also applies to GRP components used for light-  contact with earth. A locally restricted system of conductively
          ning protection systems.                     interconnected  earth electrodes  is termed  earth-termination
          In addition to the standards described before, international   system. This earth-termination system is connected to the part
          component standards e.g. for test joints or conductor holders   of an installation to be earthed via the earthing conductor
          have already been published.                 and the main earthing busbar. The earth resistance R E  (remote
                                                       earth) can be determined depending on the earth resistivity ρ.
                                                       Earthing of a dead part is called protective earthing, while
          5.9  Dimensioning of earth-termination       earthing of a point of the operating circuit such as the neutral
              systems for transformer stations         of a transformer is called operational earthing. If currents flow
                                                       into the earth-termination system in the event of a fault, the
          Earth-termination systems are vital for a functioning power   earth potential can be calculated as follows:
          supply. The main tasks of a properly functioning earth-termi-
          nation are to form high-voltage protection and low-voltage   U = I    Z
          ground, ensure protection measures and voltage limitation to   E   E   E
          permissible maximum values even in case of a fault, form the   U E    earth potential rise
          basis for all equipotential bonding and lightning protection
          measures and ensure the protection of persons and material   I E    current to earth
          assets. Irrespective of this, experience and discussion about   Z E    impedance to earth
          earth-termination systems took a back seat. Properly function-  Depending on the distance, the earth surface potential ϕ arises
          ing earth-termination systems are often taken as given with-  between  the  earth-termination  system  and  remote  earth. A
          out any question. Therefore, the most important physical and   person approaching the fault location is exposed to step volt-
          normative backgrounds and possible technical solutions will   age and a person touching the faulty part of the installation is
          be described in this chapter.                exposed to touch voltage U T  . To reduce possible step voltage,
                                                       potential control measures can be taken. All conductive parts
          Normative references                         inside the electrical installation are integrated in the equipo-
          The requirements of high-voltage and low-voltage systems   tential bonding system.
          typically go hand in hand in a transformer station. The follow-  The term transferred potential means that potentials can be
          ing standards apply:                         transferred into areas with a different or no potential rise by
          ¨  IEC 61936-1 (EN 61936-1): Power installations exceeding   means a conductor (e.g. cable shield, PEN conductor) connect-
            1 kV a.c.                                  ed to the earth-termination system. Global earth-termination

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