Page 228 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 228

L1 L2 L3 N PE                                L1 L2 L3 PEN       type 2 surge arrester
                           type 3 surge arrester
                                                                       125 A

          cable length ≥ 5 m                   socket outlets

         16 A                ÜBERSPANNUNGSSCHUTZ                              DEHNguard  DG S 440 FM  DEHNguard  DG S 440 FM  DEHNguard  DG S 440 FM
                             FUNCTION SURGE PROTECTOR
         RCD                                                                            fault indication
                       1 x SFL PRO 6X 19“  Part No. 909 251
                         for data cabinets
                                                                       3  x DG S 440 FM  Part No. 952 095
                                                                       1  x MVS 1 3  Part No. 900 615
                                                                          coordinated type 1
                               L1  L2  L3                               lightning current arrester

                               DEHNguard  DG MOD Cl   275  DEHNguard  DG MOD Cl   275  DEHNguard  DG MOD Cl   275  250 A

                                   PEN   fault indication  sub-distribution board  L  L  L L

                       with remote signalling contact:
                       1 x DG M TNC CI 275 FM Part No. 952 309               DEHNbloc  Maxi  DBM 1 440 FM  DEHNbloc  Maxi  DBM 1 440 FM  DEHNbloc DEHNbloc  Maxi  Maxi  DBM 1 440 FM DBM 1 760 FM

                          type 2 surge arrester
                                                                                          fault indication
                                                                             N/PEN  N/PEN  N/PEN

                             DEHNbloc ®  Maxi
                            Directly coordinated with                   3 x DBM 1 440 FM  Part No. 961 145
                            type 2 Red/Line arresters                   1 x EB DG 1000 1 3 Part No. 900 411
                           without additional cable length.       MEB  alt. 3 x DBM 1 440  Part No. 961 140
                                               main distribution board  Figure  SPDs used in a TN system – 400/690 V industrial
                           coordinated type 1                           1 x EB DG 1000 1 3 Part No. 900 411
                         lightning current arrester     L1 L2 L3 PEN


                         DEHNbloc ®  Maxi  DEHNbloc ®  Maxi  DEHNbloc ®  Maxi  8.1.4  Use of SPDs in TT systems
                         DBM 1 255 S  DBM 1 255 S  DBM 1 255 S
                                                    In TT systems, overcurrent protective devices, residual cur-
                                                    rent protective devices (RCDs) and, in special cases, fault-
                       3 x DBM 1 255 S  Part No. 900 220  voltage-operated protective devices can be used for “pro-
                         optionally available
                         with remote signalling     tection against electric shock under fault conditions“. For
                         contact via DEHNsignal     the installation of lightning current and surge arresters in
                        No separate backup fuse, inherently earth-  TT systems, this means that they may only be arranged
                        fault and short-circuit-proof installation  downstream of the protective devices described above to
          L1 L2 L3 PEN  I k  ≤ 25 kA rms
                                                    ensure “protection against electric shock under fault condi-
       Figure  SPDs used in a TN system – Arrester with integrated   tions” in the event of a faulty SPD. If type 1 or type 2 SPDs
                 backup fuse in an industrial building  are installed downstream of an RCD, it has to be expected

                               LIGHTNING PROTECTION GUIDE  227
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