Page 230 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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lightning currents always flow to earth, namely PE, an ad-  II  I imp  ≥ 75 kA (10/350 μs)
       ditional discharge path must be provided between N and PE.  III / IV I imp  ≥ 50 kA (10/350 μs)
       These so-called “N-PE arresters” must meet special require-
       ments since in this case the sum of the partial discharge   The type 2 SPDs are also connected between L and N and be-
       currents from L1, L2, L3 and N must be conducted and they   tween N and PE. Type 2 SPDs between N and PE must have a
       must be capable of extinguishing follow currents of 100 A rms    discharge capacity of at least I n  ≥ 20 kA (8/20 μs) for three-
       due to a possible shifting of the neutral point.  phase systems and I n  ≥ 10 kA (8/20 μs) for a.c. systems.
       Moreover, an N-PE arrester must fulfil increased TOV require-  Since coordination is always based on the worst-case condi-
       ments.  According  to  IEC  60364-5-53  (HD  60364-5-534),  a   tions (10/350 μs wave form), type 2 N-PE arresters of the
       withstand capability of 1200 V for 200 ms must be proven.  Red/Line series have a value of 12 kA (10/350 μs).
       The maximum continuous operating voltages shown in Figure     Figures to show examples of how to con- must be observed when using SPDs in TT systems be-  nect SPDs in TT systems. As is the case with TN systems, type 3
       tween L and N.                               surge protective devices are installed downstream of the
                                                    RCD. Generally, the impulse current discharged by this SPD
       The lightning current carrying capability of the type 1 SPDs   is so low that the RCD does not identify this process as re-
       is rated to conform to lightning protection levels I, II, III / IV   sidual current. Nevertheless, an impulse-current-proof RCD
       as per IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1).             should also be used in this case.
       The following values must be complied with to ensure the light-
       ning current carrying capability of SPDs between N and PE:
                                                    8.1.5  Use of SPDs in IT systems
       Lightning protection level:                  In IT systems, overcurrent protective devices, residual cur-
       I   I imp  ≥ 100 kA (10/350 μs)              rent protective devices (RCDs) and insulation monitoring

          L1 L2 L3 NPE
                          type 3 surge arrester                         type 3 surge arrester

                                              heating control                                socket outlets
                              1  2

                               DEHNrail  DR M 2P 255 FM                 DEHNflex
         cable length ≥ 5 m

                       1 x DR M 2P 255  Part No. 953 200             1 x DFL M 255  Part No. 924 396
         16 A

                                                      type 1
                                                  combined arrester
                                                                      As an alternative, surge arresters
                           L1  L2   L3  N
                                                                      (e.g. DG M TT 275   Part No. 952 310),
                                                                      can also be used downstream of meter
                                                                      panels if there is no
                             DEHNventil  DV MOD 255  DEHNventil  DV MOD 255  DEHNventil  DV MOD 255  DEHNventil  DV MOD NPE  50  – lightning protection system  central MDB / SDB
                                                                      – electrical power supply via the service
                                                                        entry mast
                                              1 x DV M TT 255  Part No. 951 310  – antenna of the roof
        125 A                                                         – if none of the conditions mentioned
                                                                        above applies to an adjoining building
          L1 L2 L3 N
       Figure  SPDs used in a TT system – Single-family house

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