Page 234 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 234

L1                   U L-L  = 400 V a.c.
        L2                                             L1 L2 L3  PE
        L3                   Phase conductor to PE:                      type 2 surge arrester
        PE                   U c  ≥ 1.1 x U L-L
                             ≥ 1.1 x 400 V a.c. = 440 V a.c.          100 A
                                                                                          fault indication
        1.1 U L-L

                                                                          DEHNguard  DEHNguard  DEHNguard
                                                                          DG 1000 FM  DG 1000 FM  DG 1000 FM
                       R A
       Figure  IT system without incorporated neutral conductor;
                 “3 – 0” circuit
                                                                      3 x DG 1000 FM  Part No. 950 112
                                                                      1 x EB DG 1000 1 3  Part No. 900 411
        L1                   U L-L  = 400 V a.c.
        L2                   U 0  = 230 V a.c.
        L3                   Phase conductor to PE:                       coordinated type 1
         N                                                              lightning current arrester
        PE                   U c  ≥ 1.1 x U L-L
                             ≥ 1.1 x 400 V a.c. = 440 V a.c.          250 A
                        1.1  Neutral conductor to PE:
        1.1 U L-L       U 0
                             U c  ≥ 1.1 x U 0                              L   L   L
                             ≥ 1.1 x 230 V a.c. = 253 V a.c.
                             3 x arrester with U c  ≥ 440 V a.c.
                             1 x arrester with U c  ≥ 253 V a.c.
                      R A                                                    DEHNbloc  Maxi  DBM 1 760 FM  DEHNbloc  Maxi  DBM 1 760 FM  DEHNbloc  Maxi  DBM 1 760 FM
                 U 0  = Phase-to-neutral nominal a.c. voltage
       Figure  IT system with incorporated neutral conductor;       N/PEN  N/PEN  N/PEN  fault indication
                 “4 – 0” circuit

                                                                      3 x DBM 1 760 FM         Part No. 961 175
                                                                  MEB  1 x EB DG 1000 1 3        Part No. 900 411
        L1                   U L-L  = 400 V a.c.
        L2                   U 0  = 230 V a.c.
         N                   Phase conductor to neutral   L1 L2 L3  PE
        PE                   conductor:
                             U c  ≥ 1.1 x U 0
                             ≥ 1.1 x 230 V a.c. = 253 V a.c.  Figure  SPDs used in a 690 V IT system – Without incorpo-
        1.1 U 0
                             Neutral conductor to PE:         rated neutral conductor
                             U c  ≥ 1.1 x U 0
                             ≥ 1.1 x 230 V a.c. = 253 V a.c.
              1.1 U 0
                             4 x arrester with U c  ≥ 253 V a.c.
                                                    it is also advisable to install type 1 and type SPDs upstream
                                                    of the RCD.

                      R A
                                                    Figure shows the use of SPDs in an IT system with-
                 U 0  = Phase-to-neutral nominal a.c. voltage
                                                    out incorporated neutral conductor. An example of how to
       Figure  IT system with incorporated neutral conductor;   connect the SPDs in IT systems with incorporated neutral
                 “3+1” circuit                      conductor is shown in Figure

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