Page 236 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 236

i imp       u SPD  U total

                         U total  = u SPD
          i imp   Discharged impulse current
          u SPD   Limiting voltage of the SPD
          U total   Limiting voltage applied
              to the terminal equipment

       Figure  Surge protective devices con-  Figure  Principle of the two-conductor  Figure  STAK 2X16 and STAK 25 pin-
                nected in series              terminal (single-pole unit)   shaped terminals

                                       U total  [kV]   3.0                 6  I [kA]  residual voltage of
                                                                                 the connecting cable:
                          u dyn 1       2.5                                5
                                        2.0                                4     at 2 m
                          u SPD  U total
              i imp                     1.5                                3     at 1 m
                          u dyn 2       1.0                                2     at 0.3 m
                                        0.5                                1     in case of “ideal”
                U total  = u dyn 1  + u SPD  + u dyn 2                           connection
                                        0.0                                0
         i imp   Discharged impulse current  -0.5                         -1     impulse current
         u SPD    Limiting voltage of the SPD  0  5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  40  45  of 5 kA (8/20 µs)
         U total   Limiting voltage applied to the                      t [µs]
            terminal equipment
         u dyn 1  Dynamic voltage drop at the   hybrid generator  U total  0 m  0.3 m  1 m  2 m
            phase-side connection of the SPD
         u dyn 2  Dynamic voltage drop at the   Parameter: Length of the measuring line: 0.3  –  2.0 m
            earth-side connection of the SPD  U total : Voltage drop across the connecting cable and surge protective device

       Figure  Connection of surge pro-  Figure  Limiting voltage of DEHNguard 275 in case of different connecting cable
                 tective devices in the cable   lengths

       current is increased. However, when using the two-conduc-  When the surge protective device in the cable branch oper-
       tor terminals, the value of the backup fuse specified by the   ates,  the  discharge  current  flows  through  further  elements
       manufacturer for the particular application must always be   (conductors, fuses), causing additional dynamic voltage drops
       observed (Figures and      across these impedances.
       If series connection is definitely no option, surge protective
       devices must be integrated in a separate cable branch of the   In this case, the ohmic component is negligible compared to
       circuit. If the nominal value of the next upstream fuse in the   the inductive component.
       installation exceeds the nominal current of the maximum
       permissible backup fuse of the surge protective device, the   Considering the relation
       cable branch must be equipped with a backup fuse for the
       surge protective device (Figure and b) or SPDs          di       di 
       with integrated backup fuse must be used (Figures   u dyn  =  i R +     L ≈     L
       and                                                    dt       dt  

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