Page 238 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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and the rate of current change (di/dt) for transient processes
       of some 10 kA/μs, the dynamic voltage drop U dyn  mainly de-
       pends on the inductive component.
       In order to keep this dynamic voltage drop low, the elec-               l 1
       trician carrying out the work must keep the inductance of   l 1   Total cable length at   installation 1
                                                        place of installation 1
       the connecting cable and thus its length as low as possible.   l 2   Total cable length at   place of
       Therefore, IEC 60364-5-53 (HD 60364-5-534) recommends     place of installation 2
       that the total cable length of surge protective devices in                   l 2
       cable branches should not exceed 0.5 m (Figure
       According to IEC 60364-5-53 (HD 60364-5-534), it is man-
       datory to maintain a maximum cable length of 1 m. Figure                            place of   installation 2 shows the effects of different connecting cables
       on the resulting voltage protection level of an arrangement.
                                                                A    B    C    D
       Design of the earth-side connecting cable
       This  requirement,  which  seems  to  be  difficult  to  imple-  Figure  Arrangement of surge protective devices in an instal-
       ment, will be explained based on the example shown in   lation and the resulting effective cable length
       Figures and b. These show the protective equi-
       potential bonding (previously: main equipotential bond-
       ing) of a low-voltage consumer’s installation in accordance   (≤ 0.5 m) to the service entrance box and thus also in close
       with IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41) and IEC 60364-5-54    proximity to the equipotential bonding system.
       (HD 60364-5-54). In this case, equipotential bonding be-  Consequently, the distance between the service entrance
       comes lightning equipotential bonding due to the use of   box or main distribution board and the equipotential bond-
       type 1 surge protective devices.             ing bar is not important when installing the connection y.
                                                    The solution to this problem only referred to the design of
       In Figure, both measures are installed separately.   the earth-side connecting cable of the surge protective de-
       In this case, the PEN conductor is connected to the equi-  vices.
       potential bonding bar and the surge protective devices are
       connected to earth via a separate equipotential bonding   Design of the phase-side connecting cable
       conductor.                                   The length of the phase-side connecting cables must also
       Thus, the effective cable length (l a ) for the surge protective   be taken into consideration. This is explained based on the
       devices is the distance between the place of installation of   following example:
       the surge protective devices (e.g. service entrance box, main   In a large-scale switchgear installation, surge protection must
       distribution board) and the equipotential bonding bar. In the   be provided for the busbar system and the circuits connected
       majority of cases, such a connection configuration does not   to it (A to D) including their loads (Figure
       effectively protect the installation. However, the effective ca-
       ble length of the surge protective devices (l b  < 0.5 m) can be   To use surge protective devices in this case, places of in-
       reduced without great effort (Figure  stallation 1 and 2 are assumed. Place of installation 1 is
       This is achieved by using a “bypass” conductor (y) between   located directly at the infeed of the busbar system. This en-
       the earth-side output of the arresters and the PEN conductor.   sures that all loads are equally protected against surges.
       The connection between the earth-side output of the arrest-  The effective cable length of the surge protective device at
       ers and the equipotential bonding bar (x) remains as it was.   place of installation 1 is l 1  for all loads. If space is restricted,
                                                    surge protective devices are sometimes installed along the
       According  to  the  German  VDN  (Association  of  German   busbar system. In extreme cases, place of installation 2 can
       Network Operators) guideline 2004-08: “Überspannungss-  be chosen for the arrangement shown in Figure
       chutzeinrichtungen Typ 1. Richtlinie für den Einsatz von Über-  For circuits A and B, the effective cable length is l 2 . Busbar
       spannungs  –  Schutzeinrichtungen  (ÜSE) Typ  1  (bisher An-  systems have a lower inductance compared to cables and
       forderungsklasse  B)  in  Hauptstromversorgungssystemen.“   conductors (approx. 1/4) and thus a lower inductive volt-
       [Surge Protective Devices Type 1 – Guideline for the use of   age drop. However, the length of the busbars must not be
       surge protective devices (SPDs) Type 1 in main power supply   disregarded.
       systems], the bypass conductor (y) does not have to be used   The design of the connecting cables considerably influences
       if the surge protective device is installed in close proximity     the effectiveness of surge protective devices and must there-

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