Page 241 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 241

F1                                            F1
              L1                              L1'          L1
              L2                              L2'          L2
              L3                              L3'          L3
             PEN                              PEN           N
                       L1  L1'  L2  L2'  L3  L3'
                                                                               L1  L2  L3  N
                                                          Observe short-
                                                          circuit withstand
                          DEHNventil  DV MOD 255  DEHNventil  DV MOD 255  DEHNventil  DV MOD 255  capability of the   DEHNguard  DG MOD 275  DEHNguard  DG MOD 275  DEHNguard  DG MOD 275  DEHNguard  DG MOD NPE
                                                           L1'                     S3
                                                           L3'                         local EB
                                                           S3: Required at the supply point
                                 Fuse F1  S2 / mm 2   S3 / mm 2   Fuse F2
            DEHNventil DV M TNC 255   A gL / gG  A gL / gG                     Fuse F1  S2 / mm   S3 / mm   Fuse F2
                                  25  10  16   ---        DEHNguard M TNC 275   A gL / gG  A gL / gG
                  F1 > 315 A gL / gG  35  10  16  ---     DEHNguard M TNS 275
                                 40  10   16   ---        DEHNguard M TT 275     35  4  6    ---
                                 50  10   16   ---              F1 > 125 A gL / gG   40   4   6   ---
            F1                   63  10   16   ---
                                 80  10   16   ---       F1                   50   6    6    ---
                  F2 ≤ 315 A gL / gG   100   16   16   ---                    63   10   10   ---
                                125   16   16   ---             F2 ≤ 125 A gL / gG
                  F1 ≤ 315 A gL / gG                                          80   10   10   ---
            F2                  160   25   25   ---             F1 ≤ 125 A gL / gG   100   16   16   ---
                                200   35   35   ---
                                250   35   35   ---      F2                   125   16   16   ---
                                315   50   50   ---
                       F2        > 315   50   50   ≤ 315             F2       >125   16   16   125
          Figure  Example: DEHNventil M TNC 255  Figure  Example: DEHNguard M TNC/TNS/TT

          nominal load current specified for the protective device. The   Field 1: No melting
          maximum current for through-wiring applies to protective de-  The energy injected into the fuse by the lightning impulse cur-
          vices which can be connected in series (Figure  rent is too low to melt the fuse.
          Figure shows examples of cross-sectional areas and
          backup  protection  for  lightning  current  arresters  and  type  1   Field 2: Melting
          combined arresters, Figure for type 2 surge protective   The energy of the lightning impulse current is sufficient to melt
          devices and Figure for type 3 surge protective devices.  the fuse and interrupt the current path by means of the fuse
          When dimensioning the backup fuses for surge protective de-  It is characteristic of the performance of the fuse that the light-
          vices, the impulse current behaviour must be taken into con-  ning impulse current still flows unaffected by the performance
          sideration. There is a noticeable difference in the way fuses   of the fuse since it is injected. The fuse trips only after the light-
          disconnect short-circuit currents compared to the way they   ning impulse current has decayed. Thus, the fuses are not se-
          disconnect impulse currents, particularly lightning impulse cur-  lective with respect to the disconnection of lightning impulse
          rents of 10/350 μs wave form.                currents.  Therefore, it must be ensured that the maximum
          The behaviour of fuses was determined as a function of the   permissible backup fuse according to the data sheet and / or
          rated current and the impulse current (Figure and   installation instructions of the protective device is always used
          Table                              due to the impulse current behaviour.

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