Page 240 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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               1  2            1  2
                                                                      S3    2
        IN (OUT)        IN (OUT)

         ok     DEHNrail  DR MOD 255  DEHNrail  DR MOD 255  Figure  One-port SPD

                                                                     1        3
        OUT (IN)  3  4  OUT (IN)  3  4  coupling must
                                       be prevented
                                       on the OUT                    2        4
                                                    Figure  Two-port SPD
       Figure  Cable routing

       8.1.7  Rating of the cross-sectional areas and
            backup protection for surge protective
       Connecting  cables  of  arresters  can  be  subjected  to  impulse
       currents, operating currents and short-circuit currents. The in-  Figure  Through-wired one-port SPD
       dividual stress depends on various factors:
       ¨  Type of protective circuit: One-port (Figure /   two-
         port (Figure                       Conductor         Insulation material
       ¨  Type of arrester: Lightning current arrester, combined ar-  material  PVC  EPR / XLPE  Rubber
         rester, surge arrester                      Cu            115       143        141
       ¨  Performance of the arrester in case of follow currents: Fol-  Al  76  94      93
         low current extinction / follow current limitation
                                                    Table  Material coefficient k for copper and aluminium
                                                              conductors with different insulating materials
       If surge protective devices are installed as shown in Figure   (as per IEC 60364-4-43), the S2 and S3 connecting cables must only be rated
       according to the short-circuit protection criteria as outlined in
       IEC 60364-4-43 (HD 60364-4-43) and the impulse current car-  I    Current in case of a direct short-circuit in A
       rying capability. The maximum permissible overcurrent protec-  k    Material coefficient in A ∙ s/mm  according to Table
       tive device, which can be used as backup protection for the
       arrester in this application, is specified in the data sheet of the
       surge protective device.                     Furthermore, it must be observed that the information about
       When installing the devices, it must be ensured that the actu-  the maximum permissible overcurrent protective devices in the
       ally flowing short-circuit current trips the backup protection.   data sheet of the surge protective device is only valid up to the
       The rating of the cross-sectional area of the conductor is calcu-  value stated for the short-circuit withstand capability of the
       lated according to the following equation:
                                                    protective device. If the short-circuit current at the place of
                                                    installation is greater than the value stated for the short-circuit
                     k S  2   I  2  t               withstand capability of the protective device, a backup fuse
                                                    must be chosen which is smaller than the maximum backup
       t    Permissible disconnection time in the event of a short-  fuse in the data sheet of the arrester by a ratio of 1:1.6.
            circuit in s                            For  surge  protective  devices  installed  as  shown  in  Figure
       S    Cross-sectional area of the conductor in mm 2, the maximum operating current must not exceed the

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