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ness of the current di/dt. Each parameter tends to dominate a
                          d                         different failure mechanism as analysed in detail above.

                                                    2.6  Lightning current components

           F                   I                    Figures  2.1.7  and  2.1.8  show the fundamental  lightning
                                                    current curves and the possible components of upward and
                                                    downward flashes as described in the IEC 62305-1 lightning
                                                    protection standard.
                                                    The total lightning current can be subdivided into individual
        i        i        i        i                lightning current components:
                                                    ¨  First positive short stroke
       Figure 2.5.2  Electrodynamic force between parallel conductors  ¨  First negative short stroke
                                                    ¨  Subsequent short stroke

                                 Lightning protec-  ¨  Long stroke
           First positive stroke
                                  tion level (LPL)  Maximum values are assigned to the individual lightning pro-
               Parameters         I   II  III  IV   tection components depending  on the lightning protection
                                                    level (LPL).  The time characteristic  of the lightning current
       Peak current I [kA]       200 150   100
                                                    plays an important role for most of the lightning effects de-
       Short stroke charge Q short  [C]  100  75  50  scribed before. Therefore, time parameters are defined for the
       Specific energy W/R [MJ/Ω]  10  5.6  2.5     individual lightning current components in the lightning pro-
                                                    tection standards. These wave forms are also used for analy-
       Wave form T 1 /T 2  [µs/µs]    10/350
                                                    sis and as test parameters for simulating the lightning effects
           First negative stroke       LPL          on LPS components. In the latest version of the IEC 62305-2
               Parameters         I   II  III  IV   (EN 62305-2) standard, the first negative short stroke is intro-
                                                    duced as a new lightning current component. The first negative
       Peak current I [kA]       100  75    50      short stroke is currently only used for calculations and is the
       Average steepness di/dt [kA/µs]  100  75  50  highest risk for some induction effects. Table 2.6.1 gives an
       Wave form T 1 /T 2  [µs/µs]    1/200         overview of the maximum parameters according to the light-
                                                    ning protection level as well as the wave form for the indi-
            Subsequent stroke          LPL          vidual lightning current components defined in the standard.
               Parameters         I   II  III  IV
       Peak current I [kA]       50  37.5   25
       Average steepness di/dt [kA/µs]  200 150  100  2.7  Assignment of lightning current
       Wave form T 1 /T 2  [µs/µs]   0.25/100            parameters to lightning protection
              Long stroke              LPL
                                                    Lightning protection levels I to IV are laid down to define light-
               Parameters         I   II  III  IV
                                                    ning as a source of interference. Each lightning protection level
       Long stroke charge Q long  [C]  200 150  100  requires a set of
       Time T long  [s]                0.5          ¨  Maximum values (dimensioning criteria which are used to
                                                       design lightning protection components in such a way that
                 Flash                 LPL
                                                       they meet the requirements expected) and
               Parameters         I   II  III  IV
                                                    ¨  Minimum values (interception criteria which are necessary
       Flash charge Q flash  [C]  300 225  150         to be able to determine the areas which are sufficiently
       Table 2.6.1  Maximum lightning current parameters and wave   protected against direct lightning strikes (rolling sphere
               forms for the different lightning current components  radius)).

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