Page 22 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 22

molten metal
                                    lightning current
                           current                           10.00 mm
                   U A,C                                                         10.00 mm
                               Q short  = ∫idt
                                                       Aluminium           Copper
                                       time            d = 0.5 mm; 200 A, 350 ms  d = 0.5 mm; 200 A, 180 ms
                                   long stroke current
                           current  Q long  = ∫idt

              tip of the lightning protection system          10.00 mm           10.00 mm
                                                       Stainless steel     Steel
       Figure 2.4.1  Energy conversion at the point of strike due to the   d = 0.5 mm; 200 A, 90 ms  d = 0.5 mm; 200 A, 100 ms
               charge of the lightning current

                                                             10.00 mm
                                                       Galvanised steel
                                                       d = 0.5 mm; 200 A, 100 ms
                                                    Figure 2.4.3  Plates perforated by the effects of long stroke arcs

        0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
        Galvanised steel    Copper
        100 kA (10/350 µs)  100 kA (10/350 µs)      which is capable of melting or vaporising large volumes of
                                                    material. Figures 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 show a comparison be-
       Figure 2.4.2  Effect of a short stroke arc on a metal surface
                                                    tween the effects of the short stroke charge Q short  and the
                                                    long stroke charge Q long .
       product of the charge Q and the anode / cathode drop voltage
       U A,C  , which is in the micrometre range (Figure 2.4.1).   2.5  Specific energy
       The average value of U A,C  is some 10 V and depends on influ-
       ences such as the current intensity and wave form:  The specific energy W/R of a short stroke is the energy the short
                                                    stroke converts into a resistance of 1 Ω. This energy conversion
                     W =Q U                         is the integral of the square of the short stroke over time for
                                                    the duration of the short stroke:
       Q    Charge of the lightning current
       U A,C    Anode / cathode drop voltage                        W  = i dt
       Consequently, the charge of the lightning current causes the
       components of the lightning protection system directly struck   Therefore, this specific energy is frequently referred to as cur-
       by lightning to melt and also stresses isolating and protective   rent square impulse. It is relevant for the temperature rise in
       spark gaps as well as spark-gap-based surge protective de-  conductors carrying lightning impulse currents as well as for
       vices. Recent tests have shown that, because the arc persists   the force exerted between conductors carrying lightning im-
       for a longer time, it is mainly the long stroke charge Q long    pulse currents (Figure 2.5.1).

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