Page 25 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Maximum values                                Minimum values
                          (dimensioning criteria)                       (dimensioning criteria)
            Light-                                       Light-  Minimum  Probability that the
          ning pro-   Maximum      Probability that the   ning pro-  peak   actual lightning
           tection   peak value of   actual lightning current   tection   value   current is greater   Rolling
            level    the lightning   is smaller than the   level   of the   than the minimum   sphere
                       current   maximum peak value of            lightning   peak value of the   radius
                                  the lightning current
                                                                  current   lightning current
              I        200 kA           99 %               I       3 kA         99 %        20 m
              II       150 kA           98 %               II      5 kA         97 %        30 m
             III       100 kA           95 %               III     10 kA        91 %        45 m
             IV        100 kA           95 %               IV      16 kA        84 %        60 m
          Table 2.7.1  Maximum lightning current parameter values and their   Table 2.7.2  Minimum lightning current parameter values and their
                  probabilities                                 probabilities

          Tables 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 show the assignment of the lightning
          protection levels to the maximum and minimum values of the       Place of installation of the
                                                                           high-current shunt of the
          lightning current parameters.
                                                                           research group ALDIS at the
                                                                           top of the tower
          2.8  Lightning current measurements
              for upward and downward flashes                              Place of installation of the
                                                                           Rogowski coils of the mobile
          In  general,  it  is  assumed  that  downward  flashes  (cloud-to-  detection system at the top
          earth flashes) place a greater stress on objects hit by light-   platform
          ning than upward flashes (earth-to-cloud flashes), particularly
          with regard to short strokes. In the majority of cases, down-
          ward flashes are to be expected in flat terrain and near low
          structures. If, however, structures are situated in an exposed
          location and / or are very high, upward flashes typically occur.
          The parameters defined in the lightning protection standards
          generally apply to upward and downward flashes. In case of
          upward flashes, especially the long stroke with or without su-   Place of installation
          perimposed impulse currents must be considered.                  of the data loggers
          A more exact determination of the lightning current para meters   and evaluation units
          and their mutual dependence for upward and downward
          flashes is in preparation. Therefore, lightning current measure-
          ments for scientific fundamental research are performed on
          different lightning measuring stations throughout the world.
          Figure 2.8.1 shows the lightning measuring station oper-
          ated by the Austrian research group ALDIS on the Gaisberg
          mountain near Salzburg / Austria. Since 2007, DEHN has been
          performing lightning current measurements on this measuring
          station by means of a mobile lightning current detection unit.
          The results of these comparison measurements basically con-
          firm the lightning current parameters as described in the lat-  Figure 2.8.1  Lightning current measurements by the Austrian lightning
          est IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) standard. The high number of   research group ALDIS and DEHN at the ORS transmission
          superimposed impulse currents in case of upward flashes is   mast on top of the Gaisberg mountain near Salzburg

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