Page 23 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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                                                        Cross-section [mm ]  4  10  16  25  50  100
                         specific energy
                         W/R                                         2.5  –  564 146  52  12   3
                                                                     5.6  –   –  454 132  28   7
                                                           W/R [MJ/Ω]
                                                                     10   –   –   –   283  52  12
                                                                     2.5  –   –  1120 211  37  9
                                                                     5.6  –   –   –   913  96  20
                     force on                              W/R [MJ/Ω]
                     parallel                                        10   –   –   –   –   211  37
                    conductors                           Material  Copper  2.5  –  169  56  22  5  1

                                                           W/R [MJ/Ω]  5.6  –  542 143  51  12  3
                                            specific                  10   –   –  309  98  22   5
                                            energy          Stainless   2.5  –  –  –  940 190  45
                                                             steel   5.6  –   –   –   –   460 100
                temperature rise                           W/R [MJ/Ω]
                                         current                     10   –   –   –   –   940 190
                                    force              Table 2.5.1  Temperature rise ΔT in K of different conductor materials

          Figure 2.5.1  Temperature rise and force resulting from the specific   µ 0  2  l
                  energy of the lightning current                  F(t) =     i (t)
                                                                          2         d
                                                       F(t)   Electrodynamic force
          For the energy W converted in a conductor with resistance R
          we have:                                     i     Current
                                       W               µ 0    Magnetic field constant in air (4 π · 10  H/m)
                   W = R     i dt = R                  l     Conductor length
                                                       d     Distance between the parallel conductors
          R    (Temperature-dependent) d.c. resistance of the con-
               ductor                                  The force between the two conductors is attractive if the cur-
                                                       rents flow in the same direction and repulsive if the currents
          W/R    Specific energy
                                                       flow in opposite directions. It is proportional to the product
                                                       of the currents in the conductors and inversely proportional
          The calculation of the temperature rise of conductors carry-
          ing lightning impulse currents may be required if the risks to   to the distance of the conductors. Even in the case of a sin-
          persons and the risks from fire and explosion have to be taken   gle, bent conductor, a force is exerted on the conductor. In this
          into account during the design and installation of lightning   case, the force is proportional to the square of the current in
          protection systems. The calculation assumes that all the ther-  the bent conductor.
          mal energy is generated by the ohmic resistance of the com-  Thus, the specific energy of the short stroke defines the stress
          ponents of the lightning protection system. Furthermore, it is   which causes reversible  or  irreversible deformation  of  com-
          assumed that there is no perceptible heat exchange with the   ponents and arrangements of a lightning protection system.
          surroundings due to the short duration of the process. Table   These effects are considered in the test setups of the product
          2.5.1 lists the temperature rises of different lightning protec-  standards concerning the requirements made on lightning pro-
          tion materials as well as their cross-sections as a function of   tection components for lightning protection systems.
          the specific energy.
                                                       Annex D of IEC 62305-1 describes in detail in which way the
          The electrodynamic forces F generated by a current i in a con-  lightning current parameters relevant to the point of strike are
          ductor with a long, parallel section of length I and a distance   important  for  the  physical  integrity  of  an  LPS. As  explained
          d (Figure 2.5.2) can be calculated as an approximation using   above, these are in general the peak current I, the charge Q,
          the following equation:                      the specific energy W/R, the duration T and the average steep-

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