Page 253 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 253

Surge protection for electrical temperature measur-  current loop coming from the measuring transducer, but is not
          ing equipment                                shown here for reasons of clarity.
          The electrical temperature measurement of media in techno-
          logical processes is used in all industrial sectors. The fields of
          application can be very different: They range from food pro-  8.2.1  Measuring and control systems
          cessing and chemical reactions to air-conditioning systems for   Due to the large distance between the measuring sensor and
          buildings and building services management systems. A com-  the evaluation unit in measuring and control systems, surges
          mon characteristic of these processes is that the location of   may be injected. The resulting destruction of components and
          measured value acquisition is a long way from where the data   the failure of complete control units can significantly interfere
          is displayed or processed. Due to these long connecting cables,   with process technology procedures. The extent of surge dam-
          surges, which are not only caused by atmospheric discharges,   age caused by a lightning strike often only becomes appar-
          can be injected. Therefore, a possible surge protection concept   ent weeks later since more and more electronic components
          for measuring the temperature with a standard resistance   which no longer operate safely have to be replaced. Such kind
          thermometer of type Pt 100 will be described in the following.   of damage can have serious consequences for the operator
          The building where the measuring equipment is located has no   who uses a so-called field bus system if all intelligent field bus
          external lightning protection system.
                                                       components in one segment fail at the same time.
                                                       This can be prevented by installing lightning current and surge
          The temperature is measured indirectly by measuring the elec-  arresters (SPDs) which have to be chosen according to the in-
          trical resistance. The Pt 100 sensor has a resistance of 100 Ω at   terface.
          0 °C. Depending on the temperature, this value varies by about   Typical interfaces and the system-specific surge protective de-
          0.4 Ω/K. The temperature is measured by injecting a constant
          measuring current which causes a voltage drop across the   vices can be found in our Surge Protection Catalogue or at
          resistance thermometer proportional to the temperature. In
          order to prevent self-heating of the resistance thermometer
          resulting from the measuring current, this current is limited   Electrical isolation by means of optocouplers
          to 1 mA. There is therefore a voltage drop of 100 mV across   Optoelectronic components (Figure which typically
          Pt 100 at 0 °C. This measuring voltage must now be transmit-  produce a dielectric strength between the input and output
          ted to the location where the data is displayed or evaluated   of some 100 V to 10 kV are frequently installed to transmit
          (Figure 8.2.15). The four-conductor configuration has been   signals in process plants in order to electrically isolate the
          chosen as one example of the various possible ways to con-  field side from the process side. Thus, their function is similar
          nect a Pt 100 measuring sensor to a measuring transducer. This   to that of transmitters and can primarily be installed to block
          represents the optimum connection system for resistance ther-  low common-mode interference. However, they do not provide
          mometers and completely eliminates the influence of the line   sufficient protection against common-mode and differential-
          resistances and their temperature-dependent fluctuations on
          the measurement result. The Pt 100 sensor is supplied with an   input current I F  output current I C
          injected current. The change in the line resistances is compen-
          sated by the automatic variation of the supply voltage. If the   1              3
          line resistance does not change, the measured voltage U m  re-  2               4
          mains constant. Consequently, this measuring voltage is only    radiation
          changed by changing of the measuring resistance as a func-
          tion of the temperature and is measured at high-impedance by
          the measuring transformer on the measuring transducer. Line   transmitter
          compensation is therefore not necessary for this configuration.           optical fibre
          Note: To  easily  fit  the  temperature  measuring  system  with
          surge protective devices, the same types of surge protective
          devices are installed for the power supply and measuring lines.
          In practice, it has proven feasible that the pairs for supply
          and measurement are assigned to one protective device each    terminals  receiver  terminals
          (Table 8.2.3).                                      1, 2                       3, 4
          Surge protection is also required for the 230 V power supply of
          the Pt 100 measuring transducer as well as for the 4 ... 20 mA   Figure  Optocoupler – Schematic diagram

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