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structures which are prone to lightning strikes (e.g. antenna   ning protection system: In this case, it is not to be expected
          masts, air-conditioning systems). The measuring and control   that direct lightning currents occur. A lightning current carrying
          or telecommunications cable connecting the terminal device   type 1 arrester only has to be installed if the measuring and
          (Figure 8.2.11)  to  a  measuring  transducer  in  the  field  is   control cable can be influenced by lightning strikes to adjacent
          mounted outside the building. Since the building is fitted with   buildings, namely if the cable carries partial lightning currents.
          an external lightning protection system, a type 1 lightning cur-  If this can be excluded, type 2 surge protective devices are
          rent arrester must be installed. Lightning current arresters or   used (Figure 8.2.12).
          combined arresters (type 1) of the BLITZDUCTOR XT family can
          be used for this purpose.                    Case c
                                                       In case c, no measuring and control / telecommunications cable
          Case b                                       is installed outside the building. Although the building is fitted
          Case b is similar to case a, however, the building in which the   with an external lightning protection system, direct lightning
          terminal device to be protected is located has no external light-  currents cannot be injected into this part of the telecommuni-

           Case a:     external lightning protection system  Case c:  external lightning protection system


           measuring and
           control cable /
           tions cable
                               terminal device                  SPD         terminal device

          Figure 8.2.11  Building with external lightning protection system   Figure 8.2.13  Building with external lightning protection system
                   and cables installed outside the building according to   and cables installed inside the building according to
                   the lightning protection zone concept         the lightning protection zone concept

           Case b:                                      Case d:


           measuring and
           control cable /
           tions cable
                               terminal device                  SPD         terminal device

          Figure 8.2.12  Building without external lightning protection system   Figure 8.2.14  Building without external lightning protection system
                   and cables installed outside the building     and cables installed inside the building

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