Page 248 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 248

I L                      I L
              1                        1‘                        1          1‘
                                                                  BLITZDUCTOR XT         ITE
                                                                 2          2‘
                                                          I L                      I L

              2                        2‘           Figure 8.2.9  Nominal current of BLITZDUCTOR XT

                                                     Type       I L  at 45 °C  Type  I L  at 45 °C
                                                     B          1.2 A
                                                     BE         0.75 A / 1 A  BD     0.75 A / 1 A
                        current I sn
                                                     BC         0.75 A / 1 A  BE C   0.1 A
       Figure 8.2.7  Test setup for determining the limiting voltage in case   BE HF  1 A  BD HF  1 A
               of nominal discharge currents
                                                     MY         3 A       BD DL S    0.4 A
                                                                          BD EX      0.5 A
                                                                          BD HF EX   4.8 A
         U in V                       limiting voltage
           60                                       Table 8.2.2  Maximum nominal currents of the BXT protection
            0                                                             f G           f in Hz
          - 20                                          3 dB
          - 40
          - 60
             0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100
                                 t in µs              a E  in dB

       Figure 8.2.8  Limiting voltage in case of nominal discharge currents  Figure 8.2.10  Typical frequency response of a BLITZDUCTOR XT

       Limiting voltage in case of nominal discharge    Cut-off frequency f G
       currents                                     The cut-off frequency describes the frequency-dependent be-
       This test is carried out to determine the limiting behaviour   haviour of an arrester. The cut-off frequency is the frequency
       of protection elements with constant limiting characteristics   which causes an insertion loss (a E ) of 3 dB under certain test
       (Figures 8.2.7 and 8.2.8).                   conditions (see IEC 61643-21 (EN 61643-21)) (Figure 8.2.10).
                                                    Unless specified otherwise, the specified frequency refers to a
       Nominal current I L                          50 ohm system.
       The nominal current of BLITZDUCTOR XT characterises the per-
       missible operating current of the measuring circuit to be pro-  Selection criteria (SC)
       tected. The nominal current of BLITZDUCTOR XT is determined   1. Which discharge capacity is required?
       by the current carrying capability and the insertion loss of the   The discharge capacity of BLITZDUCTOR XT depends on the
       impedances used for decoupling between the gas discharge   protective task the arrester must fulfil. To facilitate selection,
       tubes and fine protection elements as well as by the follow   the following cases a to d are explained.
       current extinguishing capability of the gas discharge tubes. The
       nominal current is stated as d.c. value (Figure 8.2.9).  Case a
       Examples of the maximum nominal currents of the individu-  In this case, the terminal device to be protected is located
       al BLITZDUCTOR XT protection modules are listed in Table   in a building with an external lightning protection system or
       8.2.2.                                       the roof of the building is equipped with metal roof-mounted

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